
Amit Agarwal (Kolkatta): -Holi Hai 2019


Amit-Agarwal Testimonials

This was my first photo tour which I went along with others mentored by Jassi Oberai Sir & Rajneesh Panwar Sir. The whole experience was amazing. The way everything pan out was excellent… from planning to execution, from guidance & looking after us was awesome. I learned a lot during the tour. Our mentors look after us from every aspects. The tour planning was done well in advance. Briefing was done daily before & after we came back from the day’s work. I understood the nuisance of photography from them. They reviewed our sample clicks & shared their views on how we could have done it differently. Given their passion of capturing moments & simultaneously not forgetting that everyone needs to be together in such crowded places..Hopefully, in future we will get an opportunity to be together of such memorable tours…Thank you for everything..

Rupak Banerjee (Kolkatta): -Holi Hai 2019


rupak Testimonials

What an experience!!!
Words can’t express my gratitude for this amazing photo tour at Vrindavan in this HOLI! Thank you for all your work and coaching and fierce attention to details to make this a spectacular trip. This experience reinvigorated my love of photography. I learned new skills and delighted in the spiritual experience. The group experience and the time spent making pictures – priceless!

Jassi Sir and Rajneesh Sir do an excellent job of researching each shooting location, nearby villages that would be interesting to photograph, good places to eat with a wide selection of food and very comfortable places to stay.

It is important for people to have a good basic understanding of their camera and gear. The added bonus is both of they are very good at determining where we are photographically and to make suggestions to move us forward from that point. They also have several ideas in mind to challenge the whole group.

Photography has been my passion for a long time and both of they really have helped me a lot to improve.

This my 1st workshop/ photo tour, they taught me how to work on a portrait, taking multiple photos from many different angles and with different settings to get out of the comfort zones. We work hard but at the same time it is a very enjoyable experience. “Jassi jaisi koi nehi.. & Rajneesh: Dada tusi great ho..”

Suvabrata Guhathakurta (Mumbai), Kumbh Mela Photo Tour 2019


Suvabrata-Guhathakurta Testimonials

I had once heard one of my professors say that it’s not him or the institution that makes the student’s time worthwhile but it’s the classmates that makes the journey so special. The words are so true when one goes on one of these trips with Jassi. The participants came with varied backgrounds and from various locations with a common passion to explore and experience something unique. With the group around there was not a moment of boredom or fatigue.
This was my third trip with Jassi and like every trip before, he was outstanding as a mentor and perfect as a gentleman. Moushumee is an outstanding street photographer and if one can keep up with her energy one is sure to come home learning many tricks on the street. The way she has maintained her relationship with sadhus she met in her earlier visits to Kumbh, is a lesson on Relationship Management.
Must add that in that madness, Jassi and Moushumee ensured that we were all well fed and had some place to stay during the long cold night waiting for day break to capture the exuberance, energy, colour and spirit of Kumbh. The experiences of this trip are etched deep inside me and will stay with me for life. Thank you Xploring Light for making this happen.

James Godber (Bangalore), Kumbh Mela Photo Tour 2019


James Testimonials

Great tour in a tough environment
It takes a degree of bravery to even attempt to run a photo tour at an event the size of Kumbh Mela and when faced with incomplete information and ever changing logistical difficulties. Jassi and his team adapted well to these challenges and got us in some great locations. It was a lot of fun and a great group of enthusiastic and supportive participants. Thanks to Jassi and the team – I wouldn’t have travelled without you!!

Anita Mamidi (Dubai), Kumbh Mela Photo Tour 2019


Anita Testimonials

What a trip that was!
This was my first brush with Kumbh and I was blown away!
I am glad I did it with a Kumbh veteran in Moushumee and the rock solid Jassi.
While I was encouraged to push my boundaries (I learnt a lot by watching Moushumee negotaiting her way into wrangling those killer shots), I was always sure of both the mentors having my back. There was an occasion when I felt the ask was way beyond my reach and I was a sliver short of panicking. Jassi got a sense of this and extracted me from the situation.
Great photo trip with the great mentors. Not mentioning the jolly good bunch of co photographers.
It was fun!
Har Har Gangey!!!

Lucia Galan (Mexico/Gurgaon), Kumbh Mela Photo Tour 2019


Lucia Testimonials

I will never forget this experience. I learned a lot of new techniques which will help me to improve my photography journey and to challenge myself in every aspects of my life.
Jassi, thank you for organizing this amazing trip and your patience. Without you I would probably never go to this amazing places. You have shown me a different India behind the lens.
Thank you for making this experience a ONCE IN A LIFE TIME EXPERIENCE!!! I will always remember this trip and all I have learned.

Parag Warerkar (Gurgaon): Xploring Rajasthan 2018


Parag Testimonials

I was a part of the Exploring Rajasthan photo tour this year. Never having done a photo tour before, I didn’t know what to expect. In Jassi I found the perfect mentor. He is so calm, open, non-judgemental and inspirational all at the same time. Having taken up my DSLR after a gap of almost 8 years, the photo tour was very rewarding and enjoyable.
Jassi went out of his way to treat us to a stay at Manvar Resorts (luxurious tents in a desert setting).
Our local guide at Jaisalmer, Susheel George is outstanding in his knowledge of Jaisalmer.
I also thoroughly enjoyed Jodhpur with Rajneesh and his more direct method of teaching.
I will fondly remember everyone, Marlene, John, Sameer, Aniruddh…..hope we meet again sometime
All-in-all it was superlative experience and I will be a part of another Xploring Light photo tour soon.

Anirudh Poddar (Chicago, USA): Xploring Rajasthan 2018


Anirudh-1 Testimonials

‘It is important to be a good photographer. It is even more important to be a responsible photographer.’

Jassi lives this motto.

Not every good photographer can explain concepts well. Jassi, though, is an amazing photographer and an excellent instructor. The real deal, however, is his social presence and interacting with the environment around him. Amazingly humble and non assuming, it is not difficult to know that any tour, with him as a mentor, is going to be loads of fun and learning.

Anirudh Poddar (Chicago, USA): Vibrant Pushkar 2018


Anirudh Testimonials

‘Maybe he was a wrestler in his previous life’. This is what I thought when I first met Rajneesh….:)

I quickly discovered, though, that Rajneesh is a gentle giant albeit an absolute pro at street and portrait photography.

And the same goes for Tashun Ma’am Sonali…:)

They say that people are blessed with either being great behind the lens or in front of it. Sonali, is one of the rare individuals who is a great portrait photographer and incredibly photogenic herself.

The two of them are great instructors, laid back and have loads of patience keeping track of the group in a super chaotic environment like the Pushkar fair.


This is my second XploringLight tour and I was left wondering the same question I had after my first tour with them:

‘with everything that they provide and arrange for, how could this company be making any money at all?’

Truly, this company provides exceptional value for money.

Sameer Narvekar (Dubai): Xploring Rajasthan and Vibrant Pushkar 2018


Sameer Testimonials

I guess the Pushkar Fair is on the bucket list of many photographers – both professional and hobbyist alike- When I stumbled upon the Pushkar photo tour by Xploring Light, I quickly realized that this was adjacent to Xploring Rajasthan. That made my decision easy and I signed up for both these tours.

I must express that these were one of the best photo tours (cum workshops) I attended. Jassi -our mentor for Xploring Rajasthan – was very dedicated in creating and exploring photo opportunities for us participants. He did not carry his camera on some occasions so we had his undivided attention.
Secondly, the focus was on overall mentoring with emphasis on the pre-snapping thought process and not so much on the technical aspects of photography. Which helped me in understanding myself better as a photographer.
Thankfully this focus on mentoring carried over into the Pushkar tour with Rajneesh and Sonali. The critique/review sessions in the evening were especially helpful for me.

I came back with happy memories, good photos and great moments shared not just with the mentors but the whole group/s.

I would highly recommend Xploring Light to everyone.

I am certain to join Xploring Light on another photo adventure – until then…

Pankaj Yadav (Gurgaon): Exotic Vietnam and Cambodia 2018


Pankaj Testimonials

This has been my third trip with Xploring Light and they are simply the best. Vietnam had always been in my bucket list and the opportunity was fantastic to experience it with Xploring Light and especially with Sahil Fauzdar, the mentor for the trip. Vietnam was extensively covered and the photo opportunities were simply amazing. Every detail of the trip was well planned and Sahil took pains to make sure we got the best shots. Hotels and homestays were very comfortable and the vehicle provided to us was excellent. Visiting Mu Cang Chai, Ha Long, Hoi An, Da Nang, Hanoi, to name a few places, was a trip of a lifetime.

Thank you Jassi and Sahil for this experience and look forward to the next trip with you.

Marleen De Mol (Belgium / Singapore): Spiritual Varanasi 2018


Marleen Testimonials

I always wanted to photograph the Pushkar Fair and when I found Xploring Light I decided to enrol in the Rajasthan, Pushkar and Spiritual Varanasi tours because they happened to be back to back.
Initially there was a little bit of worry joining an unknown company but this proved to be unnecessary – Jassi, Rajneesh and Sonali went above and beyond to make this a memorable experience for everyone.  It was clear that a lot of effort was put in the preparation of the tours – we were brought to great locations and good vantage points to maximise our potential for great shots.  The review sessions were very helpful in understanding why some shots were working and others did not make the mark; everyone learned regardless of level and skills.
Jassi’s hashtag is #PassionYourLife; his passion for photography, people and teaching shines through this whole experience!
There was great camaraderie amongst the participants; the atmosphere was fun and we shared lots of laughs.
I went home with great memories, new friends, better photographs and a better understanding of India, its people and its culture – much more than I hoped for!I highly recommend Xploring Light and can’t wait to join them on another tour!

Marleen De Mol (Belgium / Singapore): Spiritual Varanasi 2018


Marleen Testimonials

I always wanted to photograph the Pushkar Fair and when I found Xploring Light I decided to enrol in the Rajasthan, Pushkar and Spiritual Varanasi tours because they happened to be back to back.
Initially there was a little bit of worry joining an unknown company but this proved to be unnecessary – Jassi, Rajneesh and Sonali went above and beyond to make this a memorable experience for everyone.  It was clear that a lot of effort was put in the preparation of the tours – we were brought to great locations and good vantage points to maximise our potential for great shots.  The review sessions were very helpful in understanding why some shots were working and others did not make the mark; everyone learned regardless of level and skills.
Jassi’s hashtag is #PassionYourLife; his passion for photography, people and teaching shines through this whole experience!
There was great camaraderie amongst the participants; the atmosphere was fun and we shared lots of laughs.
I went home with great memories, new friends, better photographs and a better understanding of India, its people and its culture – much more than I hoped for!I highly recommend Xploring Light and can’t wait to join them on another tour!

Bijaya Padhee (Bhubaneshwar): Spiritual Varanasi 2018


Bijaya Testimonials

I was chasing the Xploring Light for quite some time and finally could catch up with them in Varanasi during Dev Deepavali. I could not have known Varanasi, world’s most ancient place of cultural heritage, learning and divinity if it was not the Xploring Light. They take care. Whether it is photo art, portrait, heritage or religious rituals; all opportunities were explored. The mentors had done their research which helped to be in the right place at the right time. Wish to be in their company again.

Puja Bansal (Agra): Exotic Vietnam and Cambodia 2018


Puja Testimonials

My third tour with Xploring Light and they excelled as usual . It was meticulously planned and executed , at the same time flexible too . Trip to Golden Bridge was arranged last minute at our request . Sahil is an amazing mentor and a wonderful person. He paid attention to every body answering our never ending queries with a smile. He not only supplied us with knowledge but also vegetarian food which was a problem in the interiors of Vietnam (and had carried it with him from India)…….A big saviour . I learnt a lot from him. It was indeed a beautiful journey and I came back as a better photographer with lots of memories and new friends. The laughter and our continuous chatter still haunts me.

Sudakshina Chopra (Singapore): Vibrant Pushkar 2018


Sudakshina Testimonials

I have been for a few photo tours … but this was my first time in India and it surely Stands Out.. This was maiden tour with Xploring Light…. in 2018 Nov I went to Pushkar Fair with them… the tour was very well organised… they were complete professionals … we had an excellent tutorial on portraits in the midst of the fair ground… the models (local girls) were simply amazing and was such a pleasure to capture them… Both the mentors were fantastic.. a special mention to Rajneesh for patiently listening to all our queries , seeing our images and answering to our questions….. every evening we would have a review session with the entire group and that was immensely helpful… I was  lucky to be a part of an amazing group …. we were a bunch of fun loving, friendly, like minded photo enthusiasts…. which made this tour Super fun… looking forward to many more tours with Xploring Light…

Jennifer Poliakov (Tel Aviv, Israel): Spiritual Varanasi 2018


Jennifer Testimonials

I had an amazing 4 days photo tour experience with Xploring Light in Varanasi during Dev Deepawali festival, which is actually my second time with Xploring Light (first time was during Holi festival 2018). As a female traveller, it is of importance to notice that Xploring Light’ instructors, Rajneesh and Jassi, are really looking after you, with much care and attention, from the very beginning to the very end, including departure, itinerary, accommodations administration etc. on the top professional level, directly involved in planning and designing the tour routes. I felt very privileged to be guided by Rajneesh’s professional photography skills, who closely guided me through the whole tour. It is of importance to notice that these guys are known for not only for their professional skills but also for their rare ability to create an amazing social ambience. And this is one of the reasons that they have so many costumers that keep on coming on their tours back again time after time. I would strongly recommend Xploring Light to everyone who appreciate professional photo tours with this most amazing company and to everyone who wants to have a once in a lifetime experience.

Sandeep Mathur (New Delhi) – Whispering Iceland and Norway Sept 2018


Sandeep Testimonials

I had lived the Norway-Lofoten dream for quite some time now. When Xploring Light announced an extension to Norway after their Iceland Tour, I signed up immediately. Since I had already done the Iceland Photo Tour with Xploring Light in 2017 I more or less knew what to expect from Jassi and Prakash. The trip was action packed from the very start, shooting sunrises, scouting locations for night shoots, post-processing sessions, shooting sunsets and then up almost every night shooting relentless Aurora ! If you are considering a photography trip to Iceland and/or Norway, then Xploring Light and UAE Landscapers are the obvious choice !

Dr. Poonam Singh (New Delhi) – Whispering Iceland and Norway Sept 2018


poonam Testimonials

Far beyond my expectations!


This must be the longest time I have taken in assimilating thoughts for writing testimonial for a tour and that too when Xploring Light and UAE Landscapers deserve it totally as it has truly been the trip of my life!

The arctic wonders Iceland and Lofoten Islands are not routine touristy places neither for photography nor in terms of weather conditions,apparel and certain other emergency measures and it was pretty cool to use prior experience of mentors Jassi Oberai and Prakash Kumar Singh who seemed to know the places like the back of their hand.Prior meeting was called to gear up for know how of the region and every bit of nuance listed regarding camera equipment etc. which will be needed there taking participants from other towns in loop through WhatsApp chat board so we had become one cosy family even before the tour started.

Iceland and Lofoten being close to North Pole have unanticipated weather variations. I really do not how our mentors managed their logistics financially and i still marvel at their passion how they tried every possible way to ensure that we all manage to shoot sunrise and sunsets on all falls -geysers-lagoons-glacier-beach-fjord and perfectionists that they are they wanted us to take images from all possible directions,east side,west side,from the base and what not.I remember we even revisited some locations to get a rainbow or a particular cloud texture and also covering the entire ring road in Iceland driving 3000 kms plus in as many days.They categorically knew every site on the map as to which is an ideal place for a perfect sunrise or a sunset shot also getting recent updates from mobile applications all the time so that we are bang there at the right hour. Jassi and Prakash complement each other perfectly almost like handling baton to the other in turns in whatever area they were managing.We saw northern lights so many times with every possible composition of mountain or a reflective lake in its full glory that it almost seemed like watching a routine sunrise/sunset and that was not sheer chance that we could sight it so often.I could see a lot of persistent meticulous planning in the background searching for those spots whether being abreast with the kpa of aurora or cloud coverage staying constantly in touch with native photographers with whom our mentors shared great rapport.

I am a solo traveller and this being a self drive flexible fun trip I had the leverage of well organised arrangements but a lot of independence too whenever I willed it.I had expectations of just few decent images since the technicalities of long exposure photography using ND filters seemed cumbersome and needs a lot of patience but we got to practice so much of it there that I can really boast I am hooked to landscapes and LE now.

I have beautiful memories of lovely hotel-guesthouse stays and I have noticed that Xploring Light and UAE Landscapers have a knack of assembling best people from all over the world as participants.So at the end of the day,we would all sing and make merry mixed with long and serious photography sessions or on other days hit the best restaurants with food so tasty I can still feel it on my palate.

My paradigm of solo-travels and short-sweet travels seems to have shifted to group travels and longer stays after I have made friends from whom I learned so much photography and life!

Rajat Sethi (Noida) –Whispering Iceland and Norway Sept 2018


rajat_noida-1 Testimonials

Even though I had been to Iceland before, I was motivated to visit this magical place again with a group of like minded photographers so that I can improve my landscape photography skills! This tour justified my faith in both my decision as well as in our mentors, Jassi and Prakash! The one thing that stood out was their passion and keenness to make us experience the magic that we had all signed on for! We were literally chasing the northern lights with Xploring Light and were not disappointed as we were able to have our fill of this magical spectacle and photograph it with diverse foregrounds of snow mountains, waterfalls and lakes! Jassi and Prakash were always there to mentor us on the right camera settings, locations and long exposures! While Iceland was a magical experience, Norway was a truly mystical experience and its beauty was far beyond our expectations. By the end of the trip we were all one big family singing, drinking and making merry together! We made friends for life and parted with fond memories! Thank you for a memorable tour and we can’t wait to go with you guys on our next adventure!



Photo Tour Testimonials

Naveen Kumar (Dubai): – Quintessential Bali, May 2018


Naveen Testimonials

When you decide to attend a second photo tour in a year with the same mentor, it is pretty obvious. I did Iceland with Jassi last september and hence knew what i could expect. And yes, everything lived up to the expectation and more than that too. More than just making sure all arrangements are in place, Jassi is a great mentor. The only problem was, when everything was done perfectly, i dont know what to write, other than saying Thank you Jassi. So where are we heading next?

Monika Roy (Kolkotta): – Quintessential Bali, May 2018


Minika Testimonials

If you are planning on a photo tour, your search ends here –  Jassi Oberai of XploringLight has fine-tuned the art of photo-travel to a level where you need not worry about anything more than your photography gear and getting your shots right. The tour was organized seamlessly from the moment we landed at Bali airport. Apart from ensuring to wake up at 3.25 am to make it “just in time” for the 3.30 am scheduled departure – I had no other worries on this 8 day trip.
A travel enthusiast, my interest in photography is fairly recent & targeted to capture my experiences. Hence I chose “Quintessential Bali” as my first group tour/photo tour of any kind, perfect blend of my old & new love – travel & photography. And I could not have asked for a better mentor than Jassi who opened my eyes to the surreal beauty of landscape photography. Completely unfamiliar with the use of filters, I learnt a lot on this tour from the ever patient Jassi who would take time to answer unending queries, help with shot composition, explain when things were not going right and even lent me a filter for the trip when I unfortunately broke one on the first day – that’s how helpful he is.
Also mention worthy are the other details of the trip like arranging a snorkeling day in the beautiful coral island of Nusa Penida which was complete bliss to a water loving person like me, the beautiful stay’s in the exotic villas & homestay’s, the beautiful locales which Jassi’s research & legwork helped us to shoot at. This trip opened my eyes to a different side of Bali which I had previously viewed as a party place only. I look forward to discovering and re-discovering many such destinations with Jassi and XploringLight.

Ajit Rana (Gurgaon): – Quintessential Bali, May 2018


Ajit-Rana- Testimonials

Having been once earlier on a photo tour with Jassi (Holi at Nandgaon), and knowing his way of functioning, I was quite sure that I would enjoy this one as well.  The exception here was that I had with me, my 80 year old father (from whom I learnt photography) and my 20 year old son who is learning photography.

From Jassi’s expertise and talks during the car journeys, to hands on showing techniques of using filters for landscape photography, to choosing great locations for photography, to ensuring everyone was on time, well fed and generally happy, it all happened in these 9 days.  I had some minor issues with air conditioning but nothing that could ruin this otherwise great photo tour.
Jassi was most accommodating in every way, even when my father had a fall and needed medical diagnosis and looking into the well being of everyone.  I have been on a photo tour with Nikon’s Mentor Series which was also great but the difference is that what Jassi does, he does with heart.  And this makes a big difference!  Keep up the passion and the great work.  So where are we off to next Jassi Paaji?

W V K Krishna Shankar (New Delhi): – Quintessential Bali, May 2018


W-V-K-Krishna-Shankar- Testimonials

This was the first time I have gone on a tour with Xploring Light. I am so glad that I went on the “Quintessential Bali Tour” with Jassi Oberai. The travel and stay arrangements were great and very comfortable. The professional approach was evident from the detailed planning that Jassi made for each location for each day. He made us feel very comfortable so that we could focus on learning the landscape photography during the entire trip. At each location he would spend time with each participant to check on the approach being adopted and where necessary he not only gave corrective suggestions but also explained the nuances of particular compositions.

Jassi is a true mentor. Not only did he encourage all of us to ask queries, he was patient while responding to even most basic questions. Land travel times were also used to discuss photography. The insights he shared really inspired everyone to do more. Undoubtedly he is a tough task master when photography is concerned and getting up every day at 3 AM did not seem difficult. Feet were swollen by the fourth day but hey there were many a fun moment in the trip. Met some wonderful people on this tour and I came away with a great amount of learning from Jassi.

Thank you Jassi Oberai for an incredible learning experience. In addition to being a great mentor you are also a wonderful human being with whom I could connect. Thank you my friend. I know I can reach out to you when ever I encounter a doubt in my photography journey.

Arman Haron (Malaysia) – Rang Leela (Feb 2018)


Arman-Haron-1 Testimonials

Great coverage of Holi festivities .. fantastic photography experience and opportunities guided by top Indian professional photographers .. fine personalities  .. felt completely at home with their warmth friendship and great company !!

Jennifer Poliakov (Tel Aviv, Israel) – Rang Leela (Feb 2018)


Jennifer-Poliako Testimonials

I’m smiling now, while writing my testimonial, what memories, places and people I were so fortunate to be surrounded with. I can’t say enough about Rajneesh and his team. I wanted to take a photo tour for many years, and I am so glad that I’ve decided to go with Xploring Light team. The knowledge of the local area, the professional photo guidance, the extra-detailed planning that goes into each day- is evident and perfect. The conversations over dinners and during our tour are of great value, and though I am thrilled with the photos I was able to capture, the value of trip like this, can’t be measured in photos alone. The team (Rajneesh, Sanjay and Sahil) made my experience of a true value and simply incredible one, shared with an amazing group of people from all around the world. I feel so privileged and grateful for the opportunity to attend this amazing photo tour and I’m already planning another tour with those awesome guys!

Cindy Sutherland (British Columbia, Canada) – Rang Leela (Feb 2018)


Cindy-Sutherland Testimonials

While conducting research for our tour of India I came across the Xploring Light website.  Since my husband is an avid amateur photographer I thought this might be a nice thing to do while in India.  It wasn’t just nice, it was an incredible experience.  From booking to paying (sorry about the bank transfer fiasco Jassi!) to going all was done with care and professionalism.  Sanjay’s organizing was impeccable and the 3 days of Rang Leela — Holi — experience was absolutely exhilarating! If you are thinking about booking a tour with Xploring Light — Don’t hesitate…..Do it!



Shyam Prasad (London) – Ladakh in Winters (Feb 2018)


Shyam-Prasad Testimonials

Ladakh in Winters with Xploring Light was the best thing I have done in recent times. Though beset with many worries about altitude sickness, sub zero temperatures and treacherous roads on high passes, none of these deterred me from going on this adventurous trip. Jassi was there through and through on this trip as a Photo mentor and a great friend. Be it- busy organising for the next days schedule or rushing to a place to catch the perfect light or sharing pearls of photography wisdom in the evenings, Jassi took the whole group along quite successfully. We bonded together as a small well knit group and enjoyed our hidden adventure in the Icy Ladakh to the hilt. The accommodation was quite decent and the food was quite awesome. Every part of the tour has been well thought through, meticulously planned and taken care of. I came back with loads of enchanting photos of Ladakh and one even made it to the Daily Dozen in National Geographic!. I would gladly recommend anyone to join any of  Xploring Light Photo tours as you would get nothing but simply the best!

Sachin Baweja (Mumbai) – Ladakh in Winters (Feb 2018)


Sachin-Baweja Testimonials

Jassi is a true mentor. Not only does he encourage the participants to ask queries; he is patient while responding to the most basic questions. The insights he shares while dwelling on his various past experiences really inspires everyone to do more.
I am very new to photography and not only was this trip my first outing with Jassi, it was my first photo tour. Amongst many other things I picked up on this trip, his practical insight on particular light situations that may impact the picture (granting it contrast or making it flat) was really useful.
The trip was filled with lot of fun, gupshup and adventure. While we covered much of the places as per the itinerary, the weather allowed us to experience some different aspects we didn’t plan for.
So if you are someone who shall be up for an impromptu walk on the frozen Indus or experiencing snowfall at Changla; this trip is something to look forward to.



Chico Kfouri (Brazil / Sri Lanka) – Ladakh in Winters (Feb 2018)


Chico-Kfouri Testimonials

Visiting Ladakh during winter is going to stay in my memory as one of the most fantastic experiences I’ve ever had. Being part of a tour with Xploring Light offered all the conditions to explore beautiful and remote locations. Providing good photographic opportunities was number one priority of the mentor, but always keeping the group’s well being and safety in mind. Jassi was always present to discuss photography and offer precious insights during the photoshoots and even after the tour was finished. Being a second timer, I can say that information exchange with him extends beyond the duration of tours. I highly recommend Xploring Light.

Fernanda Bayler Aidar (Brazil / Gurgaon) – Ladakh in Winters (Feb 2018)


Fernanda-Bayler-Aidar Testimonials

This was my second trip to Ladakh with the “Xploring Light”. The first was in August in the summer which was wonderful !! Going to Ladakh in the winter was a unique, unforgettable experience where the climate, the altitude were really a challenge. Going with the “Xploring Light”, a group of eight people where everyone respects their space, their time … was priceless. Jassi the mentor is very careful and takes every possible second to get our photos, taking us to incredible places! On this trip due to the snowstorm that we caught during our trip to Lake Pangong, we could not finish because it was very risky … who knows next time? !!! I will make another expeditions with the “Xploring Light” !!! Congratulations on the work Jassi !!! See you soon!!

Pankaj Yadav (Gurgaon) – Ladakh in Winters (Feb 2018)


Pankaj-Yadav Testimonials

Ladakh should only be experienced with Xploring Light. Jassi has everything planned out from day one to the last. Right from spots where great images can be taken to visits to all the important places for capturing great images. His mentoring adds to the experience and one comes back with greater knowledge about photography than before. Looking forward to more journeys with Xploring Light.

Deepti Bhatia (Faridabad) – Exotic vietnam and Cambodia (Dec 2017)


Deepti-Bhatia Testimonials

After attending couple of workshops with Xploring Light and being awed by the Ladakh photos , I had made up my mind to take my first Photo tour under the expert guidance of Mr. Jassi Oberai.
I signed up for the Vietnam & Cambodia Tour without a second thought and the tour turned out beyond my expectations & my best of travels in 2017. From Day1 , Jassi (mentor for the trip) made sure the days were well spent breathing in & out only Photography . It has been 10 days since we are back but I still miss getting up at 3am , setting my tripod in pitch darkness to shoot the Sunrise of Angkor Wat or braving the chill winds on the banks of the river in DaNang shooting long exposure light trails & Sunset on Dragon Bridge or exploring the landscape in Halong Bay & Limestone caves . There was never a dull moment in the tour & everything was meticulously planned from logistics to food & lodgings to the after shoot fun party. Besides the technical learning, I got bestowed with great friends for life who made the tour extra special . As I sift through the pile of photographs accumulated over the 10 days, I look forward to many more such fun photo learning trips with Xploring Light.

Sahil Fauzdar (Noida) – Exotic Vietnam & Cambodia (Dec 2017)


Sahil-F Testimonials

Mountains to the deltas… paddy fields to scenic beaches… rocky islands to junk boats playing hide and seek with Sun…
The timeless temples of angkor Wat.. and the romantic charm of the conical hats & the beautiful faces underneath…
Xploring Light – nothing less was expected from their photo tour and we got it all… but what I treasure most is the friendships I made… the two magical weeks with Ankita, Deepti, Keerti, Neeraj, Suman… and Jassi.
I thank you again Xploring Light for this amazing time in our photography journey & many more to come…

Puja Bansal (Agra) – Spiritual Varanasi Nov. 2017


Puja-1 Testimonials

The Dev Deepawali Varanasi Photo tour was my second trip with Xploring Light. Every thing was planned meticulously, the stay , food, one to one guidance. Rajneesh, our mentor presented the city, its people, its varied cultures, and its food in a fantastic way. Being a small photo group we had lots of opportunities to really explore street photography in the winding and mysterious alleys of Varanasi. Our day would start at 4:30 in the morning to catch the sunrise at the ghats and end with amazing and breath taking Ganga Arti at Sunset.
The other participants were amazing and highly skilled. This is one of the other advantages of a photo tour that you make new friends who have similar interests and improve your photography skills in the process. Looking forward to my next trip with Xploring Light.

Sarah Richardson (New Delhi) – Spiritual Varanasi Nov. 2017


Sarah Testimonials

This was my third tour with Xploring Light and it was another great experience. The tour leader Rajneesh knew where to be at what time and this made it much easier to navigate what could otherwise have been an overwhelming experience. As usual the tour was very well planned and organised, with lots of great opportunities for photography (not just the ghats but also the back streets and silk looms) and was conducted in a supportive and friendly manner. Highly recommended!

Garima Garg (New Delhi) – Spiritual Varanasi Nov. 2017


Garima Testimonials

This was my second photo tour with Xploring Light and without a doubt, it was just as amazing as the first one. The best thing about Xploring Light is that they will ensure the entire trip runs like a well-oiled machine. The trip was helmed by Rajneesh who took not only took care of all the details (accommodation, food, ensuring good vantage points) but also makes sure to take out time to interact with the participants, especially those who are relatively new to photography. His technical know-how is something one can definitely benefit from. Other than these specifics, it’s always a delight to shoot with the Xploring Light team because participants tend to come from different countries and backgrounds. I would definitely travel with Xploring Light in future as well!

Ishan Datar (Pune) – Vibrant Pushkar Oct. 2017


ishan Testimonials

I had just purchased my DSLR a month before and decided to go for the Vibrant Pushkar Photo Tour. The Vibrant Pushkar photo tour was my first photo tour. Being a beginner in photography, Jassi sir and Rajneesh sir guided me and provided a lot of encouragement. The review sessions helped me to click better pictures. I could see the improvement in the quality of my photos daily. I had submitted four photos for an exhibition out of which three were selected and one of them is put on display for a year. The entire group was also helping me out, motivating and correcting me. Thank you Jassi sir, Rajneesh sir and the entire group for encouraging and guiding me and also for making the trip a massive success and an unforgettable experience.

Regina Yang (USA) – Vibrant Pushkar Oct 2017


Regina-young Testimonials

Since this is our first trip to North India, I was initially hesitant to sign on.  Jassi’s prompt responses to my many inquires allayed my concerns by helping with transportation logistics.
Xploring Light exceeded my expectations.  Our mentors, Jassi and Rajneesh offered expert instructions, patient guidance and constructive feedback.  Their passion and professionalism were awe inspiring.  Fellow participants warmly shared Indian culture and hospitality.
We will treasure memories of this Pushkar photographic experience.

Navin Sood (Faridabad) – Vibrant Pushkar Oct 2017


Navin-sood Testimonials

I have taken a photo tour with Xploring Light to Pushkar 2017. It has been a wonderful experience on all levels. The whole tour was very well organised with respect to travel, stay, logistics, food etc. the group was very enthusiastic towards learning and sharing photography techniques and skills. Most importantly, it was an excellent opportunity to experiment with the various techniques of light, exposure, depth of field, colour, natural n street photography experiences, photographing a model n constant coaching n guidance by our mentor! It was an enjoyable, hands-on n practical experience n I would love to participate in more such opportunities in future.

Pankaj Yadav (Gurgaon) – Vibrant Pushkar Oct 2017


Pankaj-Yadav Testimonials

Jassi and his team organised an excellent photo tour of Pushkar. They made a lot of effort to ensure that we were able to experience the Camel fair with all its nuances and richness and the lighting class by Rajneesh, early in the morning at the camel ground was of immense help. The evening review of the images by Jassi was very helpful in understanding how we could improve upon our craft. All in all, a wonderful photo tour of “Vibrant Pushkar” by Xploring Light.

Abhishek Dhakate (Nagpur) – Go Goa Glamour Photography Workshop (Feb 2017)


Abhishek-Dhakate2 Testimonials

Fashion and Glamour. These two words are misinterpreted nowadays, when it comes to Photography. Many fail to actually understand the meaning of the two and how they are different genres in photography. Go Goa, an amazing tour cum workshop by Xploring Light set another benchmark in Fashion & Glamour Photography workshops. The knowledge that was shared in this 3-day tour was great. Right from understanding the Light setups for indoor shoots to understanding the natural light for the outdoor shoots, everything was covered and explained so very well. The shoots conducted were astounding. The models and makeup artists were the best. The locations were fantastic. Great Knowledge. Fantastic Mentors. Superb Tour.! Another feather in the cap for Xploring Light!

Dino Adriano Palazi (Doha) – Rang Leela (March 2017)


Dino-Adriano-Palazi Testimonials

I took this tour 3 years in a row. And all with Xploring Light who are the best in the field. It is intense, safe and well planned by passionated people. I would take It again. Technically, I came back with my cards full of colorful portrait, environmental scenes of the colorful celebrations and some nice street pictures as well. But the most important part is that came back with lots of new friends sharing the same interest.

Isheet Gandhi (Baroda) – Go Goa (Feb 2017)


Isheet-Gandhi Testimonials

It was an amazing experience to be a part of this tour. Got many things to learn about Angels , exposure , and mainly how to communicate with a model  and make her comfortable. Would love to join these kinda workshop soon.

Thank you Xploring Light. Loved being a part of it.

Rajat Sethi (Gurgaon) – Go Goa (Feb 2017)


Rajat_sethi Testimonials

The workshop was very well organised. Jassi and Rajneesh were great coaches and imparted their knowledge with clarity and earnestness. Goa was a great place to conduct a fashion photography workshop and gave an opportunity to mix and bond with other participants as well. I am looking forward to the next workshop!

Dr. Sarah Richardson (New Delhi) – Rang Leela (March 2017)


Dr.-Sarah-Richardson Testimonials

I have now done two tours with Xploring Light – the first to Pushkar Camel Festival in 2016 and the second to Barsana and Nandgaon for Holi Celebrations (Rang Leela) in 2017. I would highly recommend Xploring Light tours for the combination of a supportive group of like-minded people, great organisation of logistics, good insights and advice on photographic techniques from real experts and the opportunity to enjoy truly spectacular cultural experiences. As an introvert who much prefers solo travel to anything involving groups, I had a great deal of trepidation about joining a tour but my fears proved unfounded. I was also worried that my relatively low level of photographic expertise would set me apart but in fact found that skills of group members varied wildly and there was no sense of snobbery among those with the greatest amount of talent and expertise. On a practical level, there are places where a solo white woman can find travel challenging and the ability to be part of a group – as well as having the opportunity to wander off and do my own thing – proved the perfect combination in situations that would have been difficult to handle alone. All in all, I cannot speak highly enough of Xploring Light tours and would not hesitate to recommend them to others. And I hope that Jassi puts on tours to some other destinations (Hint Jassi – I would love to go to Nagaland!)


Dr. Shalabh Gupta (Varanasi) – Rang Leela (March 2017)


Dr.-Shalabh-Gupta-1 Testimonials

I am a surgeon and a hobbyist photographer based in Varanasi . I went with Xploring Light to the lathmaar holi at Barsana and Nandgaon this year. It was my first ever photography tour and I cannot praise Jassi and Sanjay enough. We had a comprehensive pre tour briefing and were supplied with protection for our cameras.
The guidance and the depth of local knowledge was amazing. We had an amazing group of people with us in our tour and I was among the novices and so got to learn a lot and have hopefully made a few friends.
I would highly recommend Xploring Light to anybody wanting to have a new experience and wanting to advance their photography.
Once again- a big thank you to Jassi and Sanjay Nanda for all their efforts and care.

Swarup Chatterjee (Gurgaon) – Rang Leela (March 2017)


Dr.-Shalabh-Gupta Testimonials

This was my second time in a row to Rang Leela tour.
My subject of photography is people… their emotions and their body languages from all across….
Every year I look forward to this trip as during this time human emotions in this part of the world are at peak. In fact its electric.
Managing an organised photo trip to such locations particularly during such times is very challenging – unless you know the place well. I think this team does it in style.

Manfred Mueller (Canada) – Rang Leela (March 2017)


Manfred-Mueller Testimonials

Visiting India and photographing during holi is something that was on my “to do” list for a very long time.  Now thanks to Jassi and XploringLight, my wish has come true, and not only did I get a chance to photograph during holi, but at the largest and oldest one in India.

This is something for everyone; some street photography, some architecture and of course ample opportunity for event photography!

Now for the “bad news”.  This trip was very demanding both physically and mentally.  We were out shooting all day in crowded and tough shooting conditions.   To say that the places were extremely crowded would be an understatement.  Add to that coloured gulal and coloured water flying everywhere (and from any direction including from above).   The cameras had to be be in rain covers that made it challenging so look through the view finder and work the camera controls.  Gun and run photography at its finest!

Thanks Jassi – the trip certainly exceeded my expectations!



Ajit Rana (Gurgaon) – Rang Leela – March 2017


Ajit-Rana-Gugaon Testimonials

After having seen pictures of this “mad” Holi, it was something I clearly wanted to experience and photograph.  This tour organised by Jassi and Sanjay was better than expected.  One quickly developed a level of familiarity with everyone, specially the mentors which is crucial to enjoy such an experience.  Everything was organised in a situation where organising even a cup of tea would not be easy because of the nature of the location and the chaos caused by the event itself.  The splitting into smaller groups, the endless headcounts, the tips on saving ones camera and of course photography suggestions seemed to bring a lot of order in this chaos!  Having never been to Barsana and Nandgaon, Holi here can prove to be overwhelming but when I was actually in the situation, I knew what I had to do and how to do it because of the detailed briefs given to us by Jassi and Sanjay.  For these guys, its not just about the organising and the execution but they also get into the zone and enjoy the “tamasha” as much as a first timer.
I’ll be back for another photo adventure with you guys now that I know how much fun it can be!  Good people, good organising, everything good.


Garima Garg (New Delhi) – Rang Leela – March 2017


Garima-Delhi Testimonials

This was my first photo tour with Xploring Light and I am very happy that I chose them.

Rang Leela, in itself, is a very challenging one. Thanks to the efforts of Jassi, Rajneesh and Sanjay, it was a smooth and an enjoyable ride. We spent the first and the third day in Nandgaon while the second day was in Barsana. The itinerary was planned to ensure we got to see both Lathmar event as well as temple celebrations.

The participants were a nice mix of advanced and beginner photographers from all over the world. That is another aspect of travelling with LCA that makes them special.

Lastly, from hotel arrangements to providing daily refreshments for photo walks, everything was awesome.

LCA photo tours are the complete package. You learn a lot about photography, you make friends and most importantly, you get to have an amazing time!




Georgette Mueller (Canada) – Ladakh in Winters (Jan 2017)


Georgette Testimonials

Xploring Light has a vision statement I find particularly compelling: “curiosity (…) passions our life”. I participated in the Leh tour largely out of curiosity – not just about photography but about the people I was to meet and what life is like in the northern Indian Himalayan region. Make no mistake – Leh in winter is a challenge (high altitude, extreme cold, windy icy roads), but we stayed healthy and safe. Jassi was a wonderful tour organizer who cared for the group’s well-being. A diverse group became good friends and had great fun.
I learned a lot and got some great shots of monasteries, a festival, a hockey game, frozen mountain rivers and lakes and snow-covered mountains. Thank you, Jassi, for your professionalism, for sharing your vast photographic knowledge and best of all for your friendship!

Chaitanya Varma (Bangalore) – Ladakh in Winters (Jan 2017)


Chaitanya-Varma Testimonials

Ladakh in Winters turned out to be wonderful trip of my lifetime.
To be honest I’m an amateur who knew nothing about photography, literally nothing!, 1st photo tour, 1st trip to Leh.
Tour itinerary was beautifully managed by Jassi given drastic weather changes. I am very much glad that we had a chance to witness eye pleasing monasteries, jaw dropping landscapes and valuable knowledge share.Through daily discussions, I learnt a lot about basic photography stuff such as light meter, exposure, frame composition, long exposure and the list goes on…
I would like to appreciate Jassi for his patience towards my novice questions and his way of explaining various elements of photography.I am glad that we had a special member in our group, Manfred, a true photography artist. He is truly one of the guys I would look up in various aspects.
Looking back I will take this trip as an start towards my journey in the art of photography and I extend my sincere gratitude to Jassi and the group for making the tour such a pleasant experience.
P.S: I would like to do more events from Jassi in future.

Manfred Mueller (Canada) – Ladakh in Winters (Jan 2017)


Manfred-Mueller Testimonials

I am slowly working my way through hundreds of wonderful images that I took last week during the Ladakh in Winters tour.  Mountains, monasteries, festivals, frozen rivers, magnificent lakes and some ice hockey to make me feel at home.  I had a great time shooting with Jassi and the rest of the group!

The weather cooperated some of the time, but given the location, flexibility in scheduling was definitely the order of the day, but we managed to cover most of the items we had set out to do.  A bit of a warning to those who have not been at altitude in winter – shooting here is physically demanding because of the altitude and cold dry air in the Himalayas.  The images that you can get will be worth that bit of effort and discomfort!

Thanks for the great experience Jassi – I had a lot of fun shooting with you.

Jayadheep Shanmugam (Chennai) – Ladakh in Winters (Jan 2017)


Jayadheep-Shanmugam Testimonials

To be precise..this is by far the best trip I have even had.

I wanted to travel to Ladakh, since 2011. Even with detailed planning, I failed to take it.
This year I came across light-chasers on canon EDGE. I went through the testimonials to even consider further. Almost all the testimonials had a five-star user rating. I did not think further, I took the trip and the rest were beautiful memories.

Combining photography with travel is what attracted me in the first place. Being a novice in photography, the explanations and tips shared by Jassi helped me gain the knowledge and confidence. I felt myself improve each day, with the constructive criticism given by Jassi. I feel honoured to have learnt from a professional, talented and creative photographer.

The participants of the tour, also turned out to be exciting. We travelled together like friends and family and it was fun. Inspite of the harsh weather, most of the places mentioned in the itinerary were covered with utmost care to health, safety and comfort.

Thank you Jassi, for the wonderful trip and your mentorship. I am looking forward for many more trips with you in the future.

Susheel Durani (Mumbai) – Spiritual Varanasi Nov. 2016


Susheel-Durani Testimonials

On conclusion of long and busy academic careers, I and my wife Neelam decided to combine travel and photography as our post retirement engagement. In looking to initiate the interest, we really turned lucky in having come across Xploring Light as the tour organisers and photomentors rolled into one. We joined their Mesmerising Ladakh tour in the summer of 2016. We greatly enjoyed the experience and also learnt photography literally from scratch,  thanks primarily to the caliber and competence of Mr. Jassi Oberoi as both organiser and photomentor of the trip.

When Xploring Light announced their inaugural phototour of Varanasi in Nov 2016, joining them was a logical decision for me given my excellent experience with them in Ladakh.  But on reaching Varanasi two challenges emerged unexpectedly and surely would have doomed the tour. First demonitisation was announced only a few days earlier and due to his personal emergency Mr. Jassi Oberoi could not make it to Varanasi. While due to these challenges the tour could have been a fiasco,  Xploring Light produced another rabbit out of their hat, in form of Mr. Rajneesh Panwar, who again turned out to be an excellent organiser and a wonderful photomentor.

Hats off to Xploring Light for this another absolutely flawless photo tour. I thoroughly enjoyed the tour and made excellent new friends. All I can say is that me and my wife Neelam are more or less permanent clients and do look forward to a long association with the Xploring Light.

Hamni Juni (Malaysia) – Spiritual Varanasi Nov. 2016


HamniJuni Testimonials

Xploring Light’ Spiritual Varanasi photo trip embraces the sights, sounds, color, movement & contrasts of the scared Ganga. It enabled us to experience the Dev Deepavali to locations not
available to most overseas visitors was incredibly valuable. We were a small select group, a mix of photographers from  across the globe to enhanced the experience. We talked over the
meals which was excellent & off the next morning for an adventure which was such fun & educational.  The pleasure I had getting to know everyone in the group.
My special thanks to Rajnessh Panwar,  the photo mentor for making the trip extremely special. You eased us into the culture, making us comfortable to venture on our own & gave us
options whenever needed.  Your passion was obvious & your attention to details, maximising the use of our time there ensuring we photographed as much as we possibly could.
The trip was a fantastic adventure. it was the perfect balance of photography, social & cultural experience.

Capt. Rigved Bhatnagar (Hyderabad) – Vibrant Pushkar Nov. 2016


Rigved-Bhatnagar Testimonials

Waited more than a year to be on the tour. The course fee changed in that time but since I had shown interest in the tour way earlier, I was charged at old fees, it was a pleasant surprise. Not to save money but to see the intent of The man.
I guess I learnt how to hold a camera in this tour. My perspective changed from day 1 – what to click to day 3- how to click – what to click.
For me its a long way to learn but I am glad I chose my first class well.
Rajneesh Panwar thanks for your patience in teaching me.

Timothy Wong (Hong Kong) – Magical Pushkar and Spiritual Varanasi Nov. 2016


timothy-wong Testimonials

Pushkar and Varanasi tours were my first two photography tours with Xploring Light, and both were mentored by Rajneesh Panwar.  Fortunately, my decision to join Light Chaser photography tours was correct, because my needs were fitted with their arrangements.

About the Pushkar tour, the itinerary allowed me to have enough time to capture my favourite topics in a series.   Besides, an unexpected mini portrait session also gave me a surprise and a special photo series.

In the Varanasi tour, I did arrive one day in advance.  Rajneesh provided an extra morning session for us before the actual itinerary begin.  His effort was highly appreciated.   There were many different activities in different places during Dev Deepawali, I definitely will miss some interesting moments if no Rajneesh’s guild and effort.  Besides, our mentor arranged some review sessions.  I was glad to watch the masterpieces of other experienced photographers and listen to their opinion.  It was a special lesson in my photography life.

After these two workshops, I have full confidence with Xploring Light’ arrangement in activities, hotel and meals.

Rajoo Naik (Goa) – Vibrant Pushkar Nov. 2016


Rajoo-Naik-3 Testimonials

From last few years I am attached with Xploring Light group.
Now, it’s like my family.I have joined most of their photo tours and learned  a lot.
Unfortunately I am not well from last 2 years but still confidently joined their Holi tour at Mathura & now Pushkar because of my trust in them.
This Pushkar tour was very informative. Although the fair itself was not good compared to earlier ones (as informed by experienced people who attended last year’s) it was still satisfying for me because of these mentors Jassi sir and Rajneesh Panwar. With experience they know the exact happening places.
Now they have created a family of great photographers from all over the world who join their tours & so we never feel far from family.
Their photography tips are great. Already planning to join their next photo tour.

Luba Fein (Tel Aviv, Israel) – Magical Pushkar, Nov. 2016


Luba Testimonials

On November 2016 I joined a photo trip with Xploring Light to Pushkar camel fair. Our group was led by Rajneesh Panwar, an experienced fashion, fine art and street photographer and the Photo Mentor Jassi Oberai. The tour was amazing from the first to the last shot. Despite the over-population of photographers’ presence in the fair, Jassi and Rajneesh used their rich photography and local knowledge to make sure, that all of us will have unique, special images. The logistics and especially the social part of the trip were also taken care of the best way possible.
Not surprisingly, the first thing I have done after completing this tour was booking yet another tour by the same company – only four days later!

Sonali Devnani (Hong Kong) – Magical Pushkar, Nov. 2016


Sonali-2 Testimonials

One year – three times already  chasing light with Xploring Light and there’s always something new being on a tour with them.  Before the tour has even come to an end my plan and request to block a seat on the next one is now a mandatory custom.

My second Pushkar tour last month with Xploring Light included many surprises such as mini portrait sessions,  talks on exposure , composition and new technical knowledge all in the action packed three days. Every aspect of Pushkar is covered by the mentors that lead the group . An insider knowledge that even locals are unaware of, to every road, tea spot and photo opportunity in Pushkar. I have travelled across India for photography as attended workshops with many others but there has never been a more personalised and well planned tour like the ones Xploring Light offer and Needless to say, this event is marked on my annual calendar as a religious pilgrimage with them and I cannot imagine a visit without their guidance. My mentors Jassi ji and Rajneesh catered to the finest details … even to my preference of where I could enjoy an authentic Rajasthani breakfast …

I probably will never be able to attend anything that is so fantastically organised and taught by such passionate people. As always the mentors keep the group together, and on every tour just add another gem to the list of friends .. the long standing friendships I have made by attending these tours with like minded people has only made me fall in love with photography all over again … thank u for helping me passion my life .



Sahil Fauzdar (Noida) – Magical Pushkar, Nov. 2016


sahil Testimonials

Pushkar… otherwise a sleepy town which marks the beginning of Thar… and come November, it starts to buzz. Brahma & the holy dip… camels & its herdsmen… the singers & their dancers…  the pagdees & the ghunghat… The Bhopas & the kalbelias… and Rajneesh and Jassi… the Xploring Light.

What a wonderful experience of hospitality, warmth, mentor ship and photography. Tutorial trip was made so much fun, that nowhere it felt like lessons. It was all about meeting some wonderful people, some time tested wrinkled faces and some dusty hoof of camels, who gave way to some amazing pictures. What looked so divine in the images later was this seamless guidance of you guys.

It was an amazing experience… my first with you Xploring Light, but many more to come… you guys are the best !!!



Supriya Suriyanarayanan (Bangaluru) – Spiritual Varanasi


supriya Testimonials

Varanasi has been a chosen destination for photographers for a while now. There’s so much to see, do & experience in Varanasi that your first trip there can be overwhelming, much like Varanasi overwhelms the senses with a curious blend of spirituality, history, arts & tourism. After having gone on 3 tours with Xploring Light in the past 1.5 years, I felt comfortable enough to entrust my Varanasi photography introduction in their very able hands.
And without any exaggeration, they did an exceptional job with the execution of their very first Spiritual Varanasi tour. As with every Xploring Light tour, the hotel, food and logistics left nothing to be desired. We were happy knowing we had the best options at our disposal. The itinerary made sure we spent enough time on the ghats, which is where most of the action was during Dev Deepavali.  It is my belief that to do photographic justice to a particular location, one needs to experience it first. And so, we visited interesting locations, met helpful locals, took a calming boat ride on the Ganges, relished local delicacies and even went saree shopping!
With regards to photography, Rajneesh was a mentor-par-excellence. He juggled the logistical complexities (despite us being bang in the middle of the monetary crisis) and his responsibility as our photo mentor effortlessly. He spent time with individuals solving our queries around all topics, helping us find the right crops to the exposure, to ensure we all came back with a few memorable shots. He gave us an interesting assignment of creating a photo story around the sights & sounds of Varanasi and it was interesting to see the various perspectives the photographers brought.
We had an interesting mix of participants in the group. And as a result, not only were we learning from our mentor, we were also learning from the established photofinishing the group. This is one of the most distinct advantages of traveling in a photography group.
All in all, for their very first tour to Varanasi, this was a very well thought out and executed tour. The Xploring Light standard has been consistently excellent all across the 4 tours I’ve been a part of. Looking forward to my next tour with the Xploring Light team!

Belinda Bath (Hong Kong) – Spiritual Varanasi


belinda Testimonials

I first joined Xploring Light on their Holi Festival tour in March 2016. It was life changing for me and I couldn’t wait to join them again for another tour.
With the knowledge that I would be joining up again with friends from Holi I jumped at the change to join the Varanasi Festival Of Lights tour, it did not disappoint.
Xploring Light run the most well organised tour, everything is arranged for you so you get on with having a wonderful experience.
Varanasi was an incredible experience for me especially coming form a country without the depth of history that India has. It was a feast for the eyes and your senses and I can’t believe I got to witness something so special and beautiful.
I loved everyday of our three days together with each day being a new and exciting experience. The people in the tour were incredibly friendly and interesting and I loved bonding over a shared interest in photography. The food was incredible and the scenery was breathtaking.
I can’t recommend this tour enough for people who love to travel and have a keen interest in photography.
For me, its more than just taking pictures. It’s about the people you meet along the way and stories they have to tell, the history you learn and the friendships you make.
You will absolutely love joining Xploring Light on any of their tours.
I have to say a special thank you to Rajneesh for looking after us so well and his wonderful mentoring. I can’t wait to join another tour soon. with Xploring Light.

Luba Fein (Tel Aviv, Israel) – Spiritual Varanasi


Luba Testimonials

The Dev Deepawali photo trip to Varanasi (2016) was my third tour with Xploring Light. While I knew what to expect, the company and its new photo mentor Rajneesh Panwar went above and beyond my expectations. First, on every photo session Rajneesh was busy looking for interesting frames and sharing his professional knowledge and random shooting ideas with the group, thus making ending up without good photos impossible. Second, the logistics were taken care of the best way possible. The success of the tour was questioned by the surprisingly announced monetary reform which left most of us, especially the foreigners, completely cashless. Yet the tour was organized and carried out by Rajneesh so professionally, that no needs or desires left unmet and only the endless queues to the banks reminded me of the ongoing financial crisis. Finally, this trip was an amazing social experience. Somehow every tour by Xploring Light turns into a college party which you enjoy no matter what your age and natural temperament is. I came back home from this wonderful tour with a huge bunch of good photos, lovely memories and friends for life. No need to ask whose tour I will book for my next visit to India 🙂

Dr. Kirti Gupta (Chandigarh) – Mesmerising Ladakh Aug 2016


Kirti-Gupta Testimonials

Mesmerizing ladakh: Somewhere in middle of August, when a group of sixteen strangers signed up for Exploring Ladakh with Xploring Light and Canon mentor, Jassi Oberai, little did they now that they would end up being friends for life and part of Xploring Light family or Jassi’s family.A trip so meticulously planned and executed by Jassi, a thorough gentleman, a photographer and guide par excellence and yet a teenager at heart when it comes to cracking jokes. Not only did they chase light, they chased fun, frolic with laughter riots, camping nights, milky ways, amidst interiors of Nubra valley, Aryan Valley, Turtuk, Dha, Hunder and Panong lake. Jassi Sir, the one who organized this trip looked after each one of us just as he would for his family, making us feel comfortable from beginning until the end of the trip. Only few realized that each day after long tiring road drives and journeys, how this man would stay put at the reception counter until each one of us had retired to our rooms to freshen up and yet he would be again at the dining table to give an hour long session on post processing techniques, his reviews and his constructive criticism. Hats off to you, Jassi. Supriya Suriyanarayanan, the chirpy girl bubbling with fun and laughter, who charmed us all with her generosity. Keep it alive girl.Gaganpreet Singh, who received a money order right in the middle of the night much to Aruna ji’s dismay!! And the one who would never stop to regale us with his hilarious one liners. Gagan: Entertainment tax is waived off for you on all your future trips with LC. Rishi Agrawal the ex-IITian, full of information on just about anything..It was great meeting you, dost.Nishant Singh, with new-found stardom, the new kid/photographer on the block. Sheik Faqruddin, the complacent one with charming personality and a sense of calm about him. Papiha, in her quest to fit everything in her frame, co-incidentally getting in everyone’s frame (on light note). Gargi Mukherjee, the girl on the front wheel drive impressing everyone with her clicks and with her interesting sighs (again on a lighter note). Immanuel Abraham the elusive one, a master photographer with milky ways and star trails. Susheel Durani and Ma’am, Neelam Durani: Admire your spirit and enthusiasm which made us run for cover, when we were out to shoot the galaxy in the middle of the night. Dhun: trying to find himself amidst a bunch of crazy photographers. Doc Saab, Shikhar, the ever observant one, who looked after all the sick ones with so much care. Aruna ji, my lips are sealed here (on lighter note again) Rajneesh Panwar: A mentor in grooming, his fish eye covered almost everyone in its circumference , though got skewed at times.

In ‘Long and short’ of it (Jassi 😉 …it was Jassi who brought us all together on this platform. Thanks for including me and us in your family of Xploring Light. This trip turned out to be truly mesmerizing for each one of us and we can’t agree more, we all arrived at our destinations with cards full of warm memories. Looking forward to many such trips…If its Ladakh..it got to be Xploring Light..

Dr. Kirti Gupta (Chandigarh) – Mesmerising Ladakh Aug 2016


Kirti-Gupta Testimonials

“A picture is worth a thousand words, a good picture is worth a million! That is exactly what the mentors at Xploring Light do; teach how to take ‘good’ pictures.

Photography was something that interested me, but it was limited to clicking random shots here and there. I had stumbled upon the web site a few days back. I wasn’t sure if going to a difficult terrain like Ladakh was the right thing to do, just to hone your photography skills. But Jassi and his team put all my doubts to rest in those ten days. Teaching photography is a passion that Jassi breathes on and lives to the core. He knows all the vantage locations, even in the remotest of villages, Turtuk, Dha, Hanu. He is ever eager to give tips on framing, composition and all the nuances of clicking with a quick session on post-processing as well.

You go with just a camera and come back not only with the skills to use it to the best but also indescribable experience of camping under starry  skies, shooting stars, milk ways with new friends that no camera can capture.

Seeing Ladakh through Jassi’s lens is an unparalleled experience. .. Truly mesmerising”

Sheik Faqruddin (Singapore) – Mesmerising Ladakh Aug 2016


Sheik-Faqruddin Testimonials

It was few days before my last day at the job, was asking google to help me with to do something worthwhile which I could cherish for lifetime. Ladakh was one destination with high priority in my bucket list and “Xploring Light” had the perfect trip what I needed.

I would give a 7 star for this trip and Xploring Light Jassi Oberai and Rajneesh Panwar. Arrangement, Logistics, Photo Mentoring, Location Scouting, Review and Critics, Time Management and even the smallest details of comfort has been taken care off. Once you are with Xploring Light, only worry is to ensure you have enough Memory Card and you are able to capture what you visualise and the rest is taken care off. When I came back from this trip not only I got the photos I wanted, I had grown to be a better photographer both from technical skills as well as social skills perspective. Not to forget i have made very good friends and memory which will be cherished. Double thumps up for Xploring Light.

Susheel Durani (Mumbai) – Mesmerising Ladakh Aug 2016


Susheel-Durani Testimonials

Fate sometimes will present you with the gift well beyond your plans or expectations. Such experiences are life enriching and can fill you with not only joy and satisfaction but also gratitude. For me being not only alive but also reasonably healthy at 65, the age when both my grand fathers had–after rich lives–already departed, was a gift enough to not only be thankful for but also rejoice. Accordingly, I made plans to retrace some of the exotic travels of my grandfather. My grandfather was a land-revenue officer of the J & K State. For close to 30 years up to 1950, the year I was born, he had served as the district-administration head of many remote places of J & K, including Kargil, Drass, Pulwama, Badgam, Ramban, Kishtwad, Basohli, and Akhnoor. His exotic travels were the stuff of grandma tales of my childhood.
Last year, I visited Akhnoor and early this year I decided to visit Basohli. Instead, I was fated to find a different but equally exotic Basohli in Kumaon hills of Uttrakhand. I shared the story on FB.
A couple of months back, I and my wife Neelam Durani decided to visit Ladakh. While preparing for what is a daunting journey, we came across #XploringLight and their Photo Tour #MesmericLadakh. The discovery unfolded a surprise that was to be life enriching for me and well beyond my dreams. The person who was fated to help me live my wildest childhood dreams of exotic J & K was the promoter, organizer, and photo-mentor of #MesmericLadakh, Jassi Oberai. Jassi Oberai​ is a perfectionist as not only photography mentor but also tour organizer. One would have expected him to cover all the well known touristy places of Ladakh, which he did, but for me there was a lot more. Being a perfectionist Jassi included in his Ladakh tour the remote and difficult to access places, like, Baltistan and Dardistan, simply because of the opportunity for really exotic and rare portraiture. Both the places because of the extreme terrain and difficult access are the well preserved bowls of cultural, ethnic, and genetic antiquity that is unusual for the modern times. For me the experience of visiting the places turned out to be the dream of my grandmas tales. I have been sharing and shall continue to share the stories on FB. This post is simply to acknowledge Jassi Oberai and thank him. Jassi ji you have turned out to be the angel destiny had planted in order to ensure that I certainly will relive my childhood dream and in a measure much beyond the limits of my imagination. Thanks to you for the exotic and memorable experience of our lives. Because of the tour I and Neelam have made many new friends for life. We specifically value your friendship and surely will travel with #XploringLight again in the future.”

Gargi Mukherjee (Bangalore) – Mesmerising Ladakh Aug 2016


Gargi-Mukherjee Testimonials

The ‘Mesmerizing Ladakh’ photo tour is my first ever photo tour; and I must say it was one of the best decision I have taken for my passion for photography. I had been to Ladakh as a tourist a few years back and was mesmerized by its beauty, hence always wanted to go back. But after this trip with Xploring Light I must say I am left spellbound. Their itinerary was very well planned and I am glad that they took us to less touristy places so that we get better opportunities to capture beautiful shots of nature & people. Memories collected along the journey are simply the bonus.
The infinite landscapes and natural beauty of Ladakh is not only intoxicating and at times so overwhelming that if you do not have the right mentor to guide, you might end up using thousands of shutter and come back with not even one shot really to be proud of! I feel lucky that I had chosen to do my first photo tour with Light Chases in Ladakh and got the opportunity to learn from Jassi Oberoi & Rajneesh Panwar. They not only helped us understand the technicalities of photography but also navigated us to ensure that we get the best experience of capturing the beauty of Ladakh. I feel more confident as a photographer than ever before. Travelling with a mentor par excellence Jassi, and an unconventional fine art photographer Rajneesh has certainly given me ROI beyond my expectation! Something more that this tour has given me are a few Friends for Life – who share the same passion as me – photography and travelling. I believe tours like this give all participants an opportunity to meet likeminded people outside our obvious circle of known faces, and let them share ideas and learn from each other.
In the middle of all the fun, madness, photography, travelling Jassi always made sure we have structured image review, feedback & group discussion sessions on compositions, storytelling, camera technicalities, post productions etc. When I say feedback – I really mean feedback, not minced sugar coated words to make someone feel happy with something substandard; the result of it I believe I am back with some of the best shots I have ever taken in my life till date. I am already registered for Magical Pushkar in Nov with LCA and looking forward to attending their post-productions workshops soon, that’s I sure tells how confident I am about them.
Something I would like to tell about what to expect from Ladakh – it’s not an easy terrain, and the amount of time a tourist spends outside their car & hotel is far less than the amount of time as a photographer spends. So it is important to take protections, precautions, stay calm and let the lead know at the earliest, if you need help.  Jassi, was always attentive to our health concerns, ready with medicine, gave us enough time to rest and get ready for next challenge. I must say for the entire period of my tour I felt that I’m with my family – always had that’s the sense of warmth & security.
Thank you team Xploring Light & team LetsLeh for all the invisible work that you do!

Supriya Suriyanarayanan (Bangalore) – Mesmerising Ladakh Aug 2016


Supriya17 Testimonials

My third time writing a testimonial for Xploring Light and it’s probably easier to come up with unique, new photographic perspective every time than thinking of new things to say about them.
I was in an unique position to judge their work, since this was my second consecutive time attending the Mesmerising Ladakh tour. I visited with them last year and one visit definitely was not enough. While the stunning landscapes and the kind people of  Ladakh can take the credit for leaving an indelible impression on travellers, Xploring Light need to take a bow for finding unique ways of representing Ladakh. As photographers and humans, I believe we have the responsibility of doing justice to the places we visit & people we meet. Xploring Light enabled us to do that & more. New vantage points regularly identified for landscapes, inclusion of places like Turtuk and Aryan village for people photography means you can come back with more than the ubiquitous photos of Ladakh.
Photography apart, managing a group tour is a difficult endeavour. Jassi, the Xploring Light & LetsLeh team (including the drivers and hotel owners) were exceptional in taking care of every participant. Ladakh can be a physical reality check for the fittest of people and it’s important you have a team that can address health issues immediately. The Xploring Light team took every concern we highlighted seriously and even adjusted the itinerary to give some of us the rest we needed. These are things that can make or break a tour for us travellers & Xploring Light come out on top.
Kudos to a job well done, team Xploring Light! Actions do speak louder than words – my biggest testimonial for Xploring Light is planning the next tour with them while still on the current one. Last year, I signed up for their Pushkar tour and this year, I signed up for their Varanasi tour.

Arunaa Singh (Lucknow) – Mesmerising Ladakh Aug 2016


arunaa Testimonials

I am very happy to join the Xploring Light for organised the group very well and every body got the familiar care.
All the members of the group was very helping in nature.
I miss the beauty of Ladakh .the land escape of  Ladakh was very beautiful. We shot portraits and landscapes.
At last I thank Xploring Light and all group members for a wonderful time.

Gaganpreet Singh (Jodhpur) – Mesmerising Ladakh Aug 2016


gaganpreet-s Testimonials

I was delighted to attend the Mesmerising Ladakh Tour in August-Septemeber 2016.

It is one of the Longest Tours that Xploring Light offers which is also the unique USP of the tour. I would recommend this tour to photo enthusiasts who are eager to learn as you have nearly 11 days to learn 3 geners of photography namely Travel,Portrait and Landscape.Each Day you shoot pictures and show them to Jassi Oberai and then based on the pictures you are provided Inputs as to which areas you need to improve in terms of Composition,Framing and other vital aspects of photography.

If your are willing to Learn and perhaps UNLEARN some of the things that you have learnt in the past But your are not getting the desired results and want a close one on one guided photography tour experience this Tour is for you. All you need to do is pack your bags and reach Leh.

Lodging,Food and Travel is taken care of very well By Jassi Oberai in association with Letsleh.



Tarunima Sen (New Delhi) – Mastering the art of Black and White Photography 2016


Tarunima-Sen Testimonials

The weekend spent with the Xploring Light was the most intriguing and informative. Not only did I get to enhance my skills but also learn ample from the more than willing and helpful mentors. As someone, who is constantly reaching out and trying to learn from every possible sphere, I feel this decision of mine will take me a long way.

I would recommend this for anyone who is interested in BW photography and for those who want to explore the world of processing.

Thank you so much. Looking forward to more workshop with the Team.

Nafisa Shakir Batta (New Delhi) – Mastering the art of Black and White Photography 2016


Nafisa-Shakir-Batta- Testimonials

This workshop is amazing. Its a mix of two hardworking professionals illuminating others with their talent and vision.

Post processing is overwhelming, and heavily informative, for a newbie like me, and yet simplified and comprehensive. I think its a must do. Had recently attended the Portrait masterclass, which was so insightful, compelling me to register for this one. Jasminder Oberoi and Rajneesh Panwar, keep spreading the light.

Kopal Goel (New Delhi) – Portrait Photography Masterclass 2016


Kopal-Goel Testimonials

It was a very good learning experience for me as a budding photographer. Sir, not only taught us how to keep the technicalities in mind but also how to deal with situations at hand. How to capture the soul and not the face.! I didn’t realise how 4 hours went by. And after the workshop, I felt l had utilised my day in the best way.
He taught us about portraits along with travel portraits, which was a plus for me as I want to be a travel photographer. I couldn’t be happier with the workshop as its not always about the technicalities and I don’t think anyone else would’ve taught me what Jassi sir did.cleardot Testimonials

Yogesh Gupta (Faridabad) – Mastering the art of Black and White Photography 2016


Yogesh-Gupta Testimonials

I was not serious in photography , I took it as a hobby because I love to travel so the thought was whenever I travel got some good pictures for memories. In January 2016 it was my first association with LCA for a photo tour in Leh. Again the thought was to explore Leh in winter. But I learnt a lot about photography in that tour and then I became bit serious about photography. I had 2 workshops with LCA  on post processing and both were amazing. When I saw a workshop on black and white photography initially my thought was its just about converting colour picture into B&W. But it was not. It is a must attend workshop for anyone who is bit serious for photography. The way LCA mentor (Mr. Jassi and Mr. Rajneesh) conduct this workshop is just amazing. They prove  their own statement right that “Google is a library and  LCA is a institution”.  You even can learn a lot with being a part of LCA group and take their reviews on every picture. The best place, best people and best environment to learn photography. My association with LCA will continue in future as well. Thanks a lot LCA for making me a part of this beautiful group.
cleardot Testimonials
Suvabrata Guhathakurta (Mumbai) – The Great Migration, Masai Mara Sept 2014


Suvabrata-1 Testimonials

The experience of Kenya with Xploring Light was a truly exhilarating one. The tour was well managed but that is only a hygiene factor. The central point was that the energy and enthusiasm of the group led by Jassi was intoxicating. The love for nature and the care for wildlife that the team demonstrated goaded one to think about nature in a more inclusive way. Jassi and other participants were ever willing to share there immense knowledge of photography with a novice like me and always ensured that all participants got the best possible shot of the subject. I think I took a damn good decision to have opted for this trip and hope to do so in future too. Wish Xploring Light all the very best!!

Suraj Ravindra Das (Navi dilasMumbai) – The Great Migration, Masai Mara Sept 2014


Suraj-1 Testimonials

Being bombarded with concerns & apprehensions from a lot of Friends about going to Masai Mara with Xploring Light in the month of September “After the Migration was over”, I was also slightly apprehensive about how the Tour would end up . . . But the Tour was an ABSOLUTE Thriller and a Photographic Delight to mention the least The tour was so well planned by Jassi Oberai that it suited all the requirements of a Photographer travelling for the first time to the Mecca of Wildlife, AFRICA. And the best part was covering Lake Nakuru & Lake Naivasha, which most of the so-called “AFRICA EXPERTS” do not cover these days to maximize their Profit shares But believe me Guys, if U don’t cover Lake Nakuru & Lake Naivasha, you do not know what an amazing Photo-Op you are missing… All in all, very Glad that I did my Africa Tour with Xploring Light

Venkatesan Selvaraj (Chennai) – The Great Migration, Masai Mara Sept 2014


Venkatesan-1 Testimonials

Coming to my experience of Kenya tour with Xploring Light, I would say, simply, it is an amazing experience over all and nothing to comment anything adversely.Tough the tour was titled, ‘Great Migration’, we could hardly see any migration across the river Mara; However, the Mara moments were far, far more than migration; we could enjoy every moment, with a band of Jassi being the mentor, Raffel of Kenya, the game tracker and William, the wild driver of land cruiser, who never drives the vehicle, on the track, but, of course, off the track, so that we could encounter a thrilling and nerve-chilling moments with lions, leopard and cheetah; But for these people, the trip would not have been a grand, grand success; Also, the co-participants, Suraj, Suva, Dr. Poonam were very much instrumental in enhancing the spirit of the tour – special mention to be made here to Suraj, who was my room-mate and it was pleasure staying with him; Above all, there was nowhere any hitch in accommodation, food, and transport; Only thing, which I was not comfortable on certain occasions, was, when others speak in Hindi, I could not enjoy it, being a Tamilian and of course, it is my problem and Xploring Light could do nothing on this.

Dr. Poonam Singh (New Delhi) – The Great Migration, Masai Mara Sept 2014


Poonam-1 Testimonials

Masai mara trip was my second go with Xploring Light the first one being Kanha photo tour earlier this year.and what a memorable experience it has been not just in terms of my endeavor to learn photography but also to visit these places as well.At the onset, I want to congratulate the Xploring Light team in carrying forward this trip despite the unanticipated Ebola threat and last moment fall- outs.It reflects a lot on the integrity and trust of a group in the future projects too. When you are travelling with Xploring Light, you are sure of all arrangements in automated perfect modes right from welcome at airport to packed meals in safari to safe and lovely resorts at all places we stayed in.One week after the trip I am quite missing feeling like a queen already.As far as photography learning goes since class attracts class, all the other participants were so much into advanced photography that you eat live and breathe photography 24×7. Be it exposure,composition,light or equipment I made everybody’s life quite miserable by my incorrigible queries on and off field.Despite being such well known figures of photography they all shared their compositions and pictures in viewfinders the kind of learning which no text book or tutorial can ever impart. Jassi even went to the extent of throwing ideas of compositions amidst those important moments of clicking.I was also trying to imbibe that finesse that was being aimed by stopping at the right places in terms of light or right angles.On a lighter note even our guide-cum-pilot became so photographically enabled that he was able to take us to the right spots. All in all, once in a lifetime experience which I would want to repeat many more times in this lifetime.Felt like a family,it was almost like a national integration where photography passionate heads from Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Mumbai and Delhi united under one roof to share one common interest photography. Long live photography.Thanks Xploring Light. Looking forwards to chase more lights around the world.



Vasuki Chandak (New Delhi) – Scintillating Sri Lanka (October 2015)


Vasuki Testimonials

I have seen myself grow in these 10 days more than I have in the last few months- and not just as a photographer. The itinerary was exciting but the expedition outdid what each of us could expect. Jassi Sir’s smallest tweaks and suggestions went a long way in improving our skills. His dedication towards the growth of his students is sacred. There were days when we were up before sunrise and lived through entire action packed days and yet he was willing to lend his expert guidance – often till midnight hours. The trip allowed us to discover that photography wasn’t just about getting the right shots- but also about experiencing the stories behind them… and they can not be shared.. they can only be lived.

Arvind Madhok (Gurgaon) – Scintillating Sri Lanka (October 2015)


Arvind-1 Testimonials

Xploring Light has always been my preference for learning photography from a long time. My first tour with Xploring Light was to St Petersburg in 2012, then to Leh Ladhak in 2013 & now to Sri Lanka in Oct 2015. Starting from scratch to whatever I can click now is the result of support & practical training by Mr Jassi and his group. Sri Lanka was truly an experience of its own kind as for your camera you find almost everything there. Starting from clean blue water beaches, beautiful sunsets, Jungle safaris,, hill stations with breath taking view of landscapes, tea gardens with amazing light shades, the heritage sights more than 2000yrs old and mouth watering food delicacies. Curd with honey my favourite dessert & Lion beer all time favourite.

Dr. Poonam Singh (New Delhi) – Scintillating Sri Lanka Oct. 2015


Poonam-1 Testimonials

This is my fourth photography trip with XploringLight since Feb’14 which in itself is a stamp on their credentials. In fact, it took me some time to assimilate my words because I feel so much part of this group that anything good that I vocalise sounds like nepotism. Despite travelling alone i have never enquired about my room partner or other mates in the group,now I know within minutes a bond is formed. There are photography enthusiasts in different stages of learning and everyone is very patiently guided by Jassi. Its always a complete journey of photography for me where I revise my basics and also load my brain database with knowledge which is a little advanced for me at present but may be handy later.

In Srilanka in a short span of 8 days incredibly diverse bends were touched from historical world heritage sites to hill country to unspoilt beaches to national park to local theater. After a while the vehicle coursing our crew almost seemed like a caravan with all suitable comforts. Accommodations were all world class ranging from picturesque resorts to cosy apartment feel of hotels where at the end of the day dinner menu was vetoed by us amidst detailed reviews of whatever we had clicked that day. The itinerary was extremely streamlined but whenever the Lanka weather played awry, with a group conscience changes were amicably made to utilise the remnant hours.

We ate and lived like locals – sometimes tucking into authentic roadside spicy rice-curry and kotthu or enjoying fresh seafood from an oceanfront restaurant table or tasting indigenous fruits or browsing tea in tea lounges.

Thank you XploringLight and Nomadic Pursuits – together you are 1+1=11.

And if you are fishing for more compliments then I must reveal I have saved some for the next testimonial – yeah I plan to travel more often with this wonderful group.


Anjali Haridass, Bangalore


Anjali-1 Testimonials

I had a wonderful trip to Pushkar with Xploring Light. Both Jassi Oberai and Subir Basak are amazing teachers – no holding back! Characteristics to be admired!!! They were always attentive to each participants needs. It was great seeing Pushkar through their eyes (partly) – a real ‘eye opener’… 🙂 !! Cheers to many more trips with you guys! Thank you!

Ketan shah, Mumbai


Ketan-1 Testimonials

Pushkar has immense opportunities for different genres of photography like street, portrait, landscapes, culture etc. Jassi is now a best buddy of mine. A friend, guide and savior at times. Looking forward to many more tours. I had a wonderful learning experience.

Rajiv Desai, USA


Rajiv-Desi Testimonials

The Vibrant Pushkar photography workshop was an exhilarating four days during which my initial inhibitions of being an amateur photographer amongst professionals melted away quickly, leading to extensive learning from the mentors and team members, brilliant photo opportunities, local cultural experiences and much more. During the workshop, my learning curve was positively steep, replete with technical tricks, tips and ideas. I left Pushkar with many satisfying images and a renewed passion to continue looking through the lens.

Sharat Kumar (Hyderabad) – Vibrant Pushkar 2014


Sharat-Kumar-1 Testimonials

Had a great trip to Pushkar with Jassi. Very well organised small group trip with personalized attention and suggestions. This trip to Pushkar and my interactions with Jassi has been a huge inspiration and a big learning experience. This will remain with me for ever. After I got back home I was reviewing my old pictures are realized small things that I had was ignoring in framing and focusing. I will make it a point to hold my camera at-least one hour every week. This is a promise I have made to myself.

Jassi – many thanks once again to be patient and to have taken me on this wonderful trip. I will keep an eye on your website/ emails for other trips. The real challenge for me is to balance my work and make time to join you on the photo trips. Thanks.

Isabel Posadas Aguado (Mexico) – Rang Leela 2013 and Vibrant Pushkar 2014


Isabel-1 Testimonials

I´ve done two tours with Xploring Light, one was for Holi and the last one was for the Camel Festival in Pushkar. Both of them very well organized. Living and experiencing so important Indian celebrations with people who know what they talk about makes a huge difference. I always felt safe and enjoy every minute. Jassi is always keen to share with the group members his knowledge about photography and continuously gives advises on how to be better photographers. I can´t wait to take another tour with Xploring Light. They are the best!

Kuntal Paul (Bhubaneshwar) – Vibrant Pushkar 2014


Kuntal-1 Testimonials

It was a great experience to be part of Vibrant Pushkar Photo Tour organized by Xploring Light. Though I have been into photography for quite sometime now and received few distinctions in India and abroad, this tour gave me an opportunity to learn new things from our Mentor, Mr. Jassi Oberai. Thank you Jassiji, for your guidance and tips you shared during the tour and above all, for taking care of all of us. Entire tour was very well planned. I would definitely like to be part of such tours organized by Xploring Light in future.

Amit Abichandani (Mumbai) – Vibrant Pushkar 2014


Amit-Abichandani-1 Testimonials

This was the 1st time I went for a Photo tour with Xploring Light. It was indeed an honor for me to learn improvement skills on photography from Jassi. Earlier my thinking was, only high end lens can capture quality images, but quality depends major on how you make your camera behave to situations, is what I have learnt on this tour. Understanding composition, frames, lighting conditions,metering modes would surely help me in future. With every morning and new tips from Jassi my frames kept on improving. I would also like to mention, uptil now Jassi is the only Professional photographer whom I have met, had 100% accurate advice and suggestions he shared with entire group, unlike others who shared only 60 to 70% of their knowledge. Overall it was a wonderful experience and a special thanks to entire group for their love and support.

Achin Gupta (New Delhi) – Vibrant Pushkar 2014


It was an honour working with Jassi Sir in the field and learn during Pushkar’14 trip . It is terrific when few like minded people come along together, their energy, their motivation and their focus cannot be diminished then. To my dear friends from the tour, I really appreciate the knowledge that we shared among us and made friends. Our paths will definitely cross again considering our common passion. I would like to thank Jassi Sir for organizing this great tour and hopefully I will meet him again in near future in other photo tour. Thank you.

Swapnil Agaskar (Mumbai) – Vibrant Pushkar Nov. 2015


Swapnil-1 Testimonials

I’ve been chasing the Pushkar dream for quite a few years now! Xploring Light (and Jassi) showed light to my chase finally!! Wonderful trip and a bagful of images….all thanks to Xploring Light!!

Supriya Suriyanarayanan (Bangalore) – Vibrant Pushkar Nov. 2015


Supriya-1 Testimonials

Writing this testimonial is hard. What can I say that hasn’t been said by all those who’ve experienced the Xploring Light brand of photography tours before me – I would just have to agree with them wholeheartedly and add my voice to the unison..

There’s very little you can fault with the Xploring Light experience. Remarkably well organised with fantastic transport, accommodation & food (i once remarked that whether i gain knowledge of photography or not, I certainly am gaining weight) they go the whole hog in ensuring the trip is seamlessly organised. All you have to worry about is your photography.

Talking of photography, a lot of research and hard work goes into ensuring you get great shots irrespective of how many photographers are on the scene . Jassi knows all the right places & the right people to help you go back with shots you can be proud of. My two trips with Jassi and Xploring Light, has fuelled my idee fixe for photography.

All said & done though, there’s one reason that brings me back to the XploringLight fold at every given opportunity – Jassi! The friend, guru & mentor all rolled into one affable, inspiring bundle.

This quote describes Jassi’s teaching philosophy accurately: “True teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross; then, having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create their own.” Do we then need any other reason to learn with Jassi and Xploring Light?

Anirban Bhattacharya (Oman, Muscat) – Vibrant Pushkar Nov. 2015


Anirban-B-1 Testimonials

I was following Jassi Ji nearly from 2013. Due to my present professional career demand I didn’t get an opportunity to have a photo tour with him. This time after a long preplan finally I was able to fly 2000 km from Muscat to Pushkar only to attend his photo tour in Pushkar. I knew its worth even you travel 20,000 km to attend his tour or course. Loved his style of teaching. Its very clear and with a sufficient justification. People says in photography “You get what you pay for” But for him its ” you get a lot and you practically pay nothing”. Apart form his brilliant mentoring I found him as awesome personality and very easily approachable. Wish my circumstances be again in favour of having many more tour and course with him. I very very strongly recommend his mentoring. Pushkar Tour 2015 was awesome. Wish him also very very rewarding professional career ahead.

Kunal Changia (Siliguri) – Vibrant Pushkar Nov. 2015


Kunal-changia-1 Testimonials

Ok. So lot of testimonials will read out about how great an experience it was with Jassi sir and the learning they imbed during the workshop etc. etc. Well, that aspect of being a part of this Product called ‘Xploring Light Photography Workshops’ is definite & a cent percent guaranteed return.

But what else ?

So for me apart from all the above, one of the best things that happened during this trip was the Memories ! Oh yes, may sound too dramatic or melodramatic but that’s very much it. It was my first trip with Jassi Sir and somehow I still cant get over it. Besides all the learning and great shots that we got to take during the trip, it was the friends I made or the ‘GROUP’ that leaves behind a lifelong stamp of fulfilment when you think about the trip. You get to meet some amazingly amazingly wonderful people and somehow the bond you will built with them would be something you can cherish for the rest of your life. Once this thing happens then the learning becomes much more fun. I got to learn equally from everyone else in the group as from Jassi Sir. Frankly, I just want to be a part of other trips because most of the people I met during the workshop would be there and also will get to interact with so many others.

Lastly, at times we get so serious about photography or seeing the world through our camera viewfinder that we actually tend to ignore the larger picture of having fun in a predominantly new environment. This thing does not happen here as the fun quotient and the interactive learning ensures that you develop a keen penchant for Photography and identifying your subjects through your naked eyes which then definitely reflects back the best through your photographs ! In a nutshell ! It is all ‘Balle Balle’ with Jassi Sir and the rest of the group ! Kudos !

Sonali Devnani (Hong Kong) – Vibrant Pushkar Nov. 2015


Sonali-1 Testimonials

After having attended a number of workshops including the ones conducted by Magnum Photos I have to say this photography tour was very knowledgeable .. despite being a big group Jassi co-ordinated everything from the photography to the meals in the most perfect manner . I walked in knowing nobody who was attending it but i have to say i walked out making so many new friends and moreover memories .. there was never a dull moment at the tour .. be it 5 am shoots or late night gossip sessions … Jassi sir you indeed have so much patience to put up with all our queries and helped each of us individually dedicating a lot of time . the theory sessions were very helpful just shedding new light and reinstating all that we know about the basics of photography .. the fact that we were so many of us shooting, to see another person’s perspective on the same kind of subjects was learning in itself. Motivation from the others attending the tour was of great help as well … overall a fantastic experience .. and nevertheless the beginning of my tours at Xploring Light .. looking forward to the next one … Thank you Jassi sir for this opportunity … Eagerly waiting for march 2016.

Dr. Vimal Hemani (Rajkot) – Vibrant Pushkar Nov. 2015


Vimal Testimonials

Being a doctor, I will express in my professional terms, Jassi is an infection that gets on your nerves in first meeting. After Ladakh trip for 16 days when I plotted graph of Pushkar trip, it started tingling-numbness in every inch of my nerves. My biochemistry went beyond limits. His photograph themselves speak thousand words in his favour but apart from photos I like his management skills like IV Taxim and Metrogyl care for a postoperative patient. During the Pushakr trip we implanted him in our SA node. My photography skills were like apparently asymptomatic until I met you. Jassi provides tips for photography workshops like step ladder fever it’s like palpable thrill which just cannot be cured by any drug. Without your guidance it was a complete heart block and cannot be recovered up even with DC shock. Without anaesthesia, you operate on my skills and shots you don’t even care when post-OP complication start.When you treat diseases, you win or lose. But, when you treat a person, you win no matter what the outcome. Likewise you have won all the hearts that come into the contact including mine.


Shreya Sen on Nomadic Ladakh – a photography expedition to Ladakh


Shreya-1 Testimonials

Wanted to drop a thank you note to Xploring Light and Canon for our recent photo expedition to Ladakh. Specially to Jassi sir for patiently answering my relentless questions, always making us laugh with his light heartedness, genuine & kind personality. Pankaj sir for his support and willingness to listen, guide and give valuable feedback which made it a great learning experience. Really also appreciate Jassi sir’s enthusiasm and passion to make the effort to see to it that we covered most of landscapes, monasteries, people of Ladakh and make the most of this beautiful place as a traveller and more importantly as a photographer. Was great to share this journey with fellow enthusiasts and a group who were so talented and equally passionate about creating beautiful images. I am glad that even though we were a bunch of strangers we had our share of laughter, tad bit of drama and whole lot of Maggie, chai and fun which made Ladakh lot more memorable than I expected it to be. I also wanted to personally thank my room mate Sunayna who is also a part of Xploring Light. Thank you SUU this trip would not have been as much fun without your laughing hysterics and crazy conversations. Looking forward to Pushkar next!! I strongly recommend anyone who enjoys photography and traveling to join in these tours with Xploring Light. I am an extremely shy person but at no point did I feel uncomfortable or out of place during the tour thanks to being on a platform with people who shared the same love for photography as I do. Secondly you learn a lot more since one is in a practical field along with experts and other photographers. I wish Xploring Light the best and hope to chase many more photographic journeys in the future with you guys.

Kritika Kishore (New Delhi) – Mesmerising Ladakh – Aug. 2014


Kritika-Kishore-2 Testimonials

Ladakh was an immortal experience. Jassi and the group were so supportive with the exact same love and passion for photography as I have which made it an even more fun trip. Learning, Exploring and getting Submerged in natural beauty in complete awe. The preparations, the guidance, the care– everything made this trip a very very successful event for me. I made some great friends and mentors for life. I am grateful. Thank you Jassi Oberoi and Pankaj Anand.

Hitesh Chhabra (Mumbai) – Mesmerising Ladakh – Aug 2014


Hitesh-Chhabra Testimonials

New friends, New places, New relationships truly a Spellbinding Trip organised by Light Chasers. I wanted to join Mesmerizing Ladakh Photo Tour in 2013 itself but due to some reasons couldn’t join in but I am Glad everything turned out well in 2014 and here I am, a week has passed already and I am missing it to the core. Met people who are Gentle at heart and really passionate. Each and every location right from Jispa to Aryan Valley was mesmerizing. Training given by Jasminder Sir really helped us to visualize things near us in a completely different way. The best part was that Sir also fulfilled the promise given to some people regarding their pictures. I had never imagined such beautiful places. The amount of research done by him on each and every place is truly amazing. It is really hard to take best pictures every year if you visit the same place but Sir manages every time which amazed us even more. Each and every genre of photography was covered whether it be Portraits, Nightscapes & Landscapes, also Light Painting. Kudos to all his efforts in taking care of each and every member specially the night where Jassi Sir and Pankaj Sir sacrificed their sleep and made sure one of the team member is fine. I would call this one of my BEST trip of all times. I had only written Nubra Valley and Pangong Tso in my bucket list but after exploring all these Beautiful unknown places I wish to revisit again specially Turtuk and Aryan Valley. Sir: “djule thugdzetche” for this Wonderful experience of lifetime.

Hitesh Goswami (Bangalore) – Mesmerising Ladakh – Aug. 2014


Hitesh-Goswami-1 Testimonials

Most wonderful experience I have ever had. I think it is one of my best decision to register for the Mesmerizing Ladakh tour with XploringLight. The best part about XploringLight is the man himself, Jassi Sir. I am sure you would not enjoy the beauty of Leh_Ladakh unless you see it through the lens of Jassi Sir. I would like to commend him for the way he planned the tour and managed the group. The best part is, that every stage he made sure that the group members comfort is not compromised. We were accommodated at the best hotels, tent resorts, food and travel. I am sure the places we visited, the destinations, the photography opportunity spots that were shown to us by Jassi Sir, we would have never seen, if we would have planned it alone or with family or friends. Jassi Sir just knows the place so well that you will never miss a single scenic beauty in Leh ladakh, be it in terms of landscapes, Horses running in an open field, beautiful looking people for portrait shooting, clear non cluterous and star filled night skies, running stream, lakes or rivers, high altitude passes like Khardungla or Changla. You think of the situation and you would have seen it and captured it in the 10 days tour. Learning photography was sheer pleasure from the genius (Jassi Sir). He is superlatively patient and superiorly talented and he will make sure that he will transfer all his experience, expertise and knowledge regarding photography at every possible opportunity. You might start the tour as a random photo clicker but you will surely leave as a photographer. I can go on and on an on. Finally, guys, this is one tour you should enroll for if you like photography and also want to enjoy Leh-Ladakh in its true mesmerizing beauty. Thank you Jassi Sir for everything. Wish you all the success and looking forward to joining for another photo tour with Xploring Light 🙂 Cheers !!!

Nitin Agarwal (California, USA) – Mesmerising Ladakh – Aug 2014


Nitin-1 Testimonials

Ladakh is a truly mesmerizing adventure, especially for photographers. I have been wanting to go to this place for quite sometime and finally when I got a chance, it was simply amazing. I came to know about light-chasers by simply browsing online. Initially, I was a little hesitant as to how are photo tours conducted in India. But after meeting Jassi Oberoi, I had no doubts that I would love this excursion. He is a nice mentor to have, down to earth and caring as well. Being on the tour with him, we could totally enjoy, learn and soak in the beauty of Ladakh. He is extremely well prepared to handle every natural mishap there might be during the expedition. He keeps our comfort and learning at the top of his priority list. Finally, I would like to say that I would definitely recommend photo tours with light-chasers because with them, learning simply doesn’t end here, it continues life long.

Suvro Ghosh (New Delhi) – Mesmerising Ladakh, June 2014


Suvro-1 Testimonials

Ladakh trip was there in my mind for a long time. As all know, this place can only be compared with ‘Heaven on Earth’ and it will always remain ‘Mesmerising’ anyway. That’s not what I would like to say now. The trip ‘Mesmerising Ladakh’ June-July2014 I participated was organised by Xploring Light was just an experience on its own. I know Jassi for few years now and the least I would like to say that he is a gem of a person to be with and be around. In this trip I came to know him little more. He is far from any tour operator, rather a friend, philosopher and guide in all means. That too 24×7. May that be early morning making everyone get up to ensuring everyone had food to checking photographs of all participants and helping them improve the quality of photographs. I think only he could manage to gather other 14 of us, who could mingle in no time from day one and experience this lifetime experience for next two week plus time. In spite of all hurdles nature put forward, the beauty of the place along with the like minded people together, it always ended with only aloud laughter. Hats of to Jassi for all his efforts and thanks again to all the team members. I hope to meet all of them in another trip, so if not anything, we can laugh together once again as we did in this trip.

Neeraj Jain (Chandigarh) – Memserising Ladakh, June, 2014


Neeraj-1 Testimonials

A drive to Ladakh had long been on my bucket list. When I got to know about a photo trip to Ladakh I knew this was it. What better way to visit a place you so long desired to than in the company of like minded photographers. But what I got on the tour was a lot more than that. Jassi knows the region at the back of his hand. His immaculate planning, detailed itinerary, focus on the smallest detail and his vast knowledge on the subject of photography was much more than I anticipated. The arrangements of cars, stays in camps/hotels/guest houses and other arrangements were all without any hiccups. Our stopping every now and then for small photo sessions on roadside were very rewarding. To arrange for a tour as smooth in such remote corners is no mean job and Jassi pulled it off fantastically. As for his commitment, photo skills and teaching attitude I believe there could be none better. He has been an excellent friend, mentor and guide on the tour. To top it all other participants were all great people to be with and the learning, fun, laughter and every other moment of the tour will be cherished for a long time to come.

Neeta Shankar (Bangalore) – Mesmerising Ladakh, June 2014


Neeta-1 Testimonials

We had been to Ladakh this year with Xploring Light and had an absolutely wonderful time!! It is always fun to travel with fellow photographers as you always tend to learn and observe something new. I have known Jassi for quite sometime now. Having known him, I knew the arrangements would be just perfect and it would be a great experience to travel with one of the best landscape photographers in India. The tour was amazing of course, the stay was arranged in the most picturesque locations possible! The best part of it all was the company. I got to meet some of the nicest people ever and I don’t remember laughing so much in any other trip. I think the journey matters more than the destination and the company you travel with matters more than the journey itself. I had a small mishap where my equipment malfunctioned right at the beginning of the trip. It so happens that the pictures from my previous trip to Ladakh in 2010 were also lost due to a hard drive failure. Talk about bad luck! I was feeling so disheartened that I would once again miss out on some amazing frames. But Jassi to the rescue, lent me another replacement lens, which literally saved my trip! Jassi, I owe you big time for that!

Varun Giridhara (Bangalore) – Mesmerising Ladakh, June 2014


Varun Testimonials

My wife and I hardly go on organized tours. We like doing the booking ourselves. We have known Jassi for a while now and the moment we saw that he is organizing a photo tour to Ladakh, we didn’t think much before booking it. We had the confidence in him and his company Xploring Light that it will be a very well organized tour and won’t be the usual run-of-the-mill organized tour for tourists. Arrangements made even in the remotest part of Ladakh were brilliant. The views we had from our rooms/tents were breathtaking to say the least. Jassi was available 24*7 for any help anyone needed and made sure the well-being of all participants was well taken care of. The aptly titled Mesmerizing Ladakh photo tour organized by Xploring Light was indeed a mesmerising experience and something we’ll always cherish.

Khushboo Bhatia (New Delhi) – Mesmerising Ladakh, June 2014


Khushboo-Bhatia Testimonials

The Mesmerizing Ladakh photo tour, organized by Jassi (Xploring Light), truly justified it’s name, not only in terms of the place, but also in terms of an individual and group. The facilities, the places covered, the stay arrangements were amazing. I went to Leh for the first time and had it not been with Jassi, I wouldn’t have seen the places we saw in this tour. The breathtaking beauty of the remote places, the beautiful smiles greeting us, the hospitality of those people made us believe that every element composing these places was equally beautiful. The beauty was in air. Jassi has always been helping us with our shots. He was a mentor, a friend, and a teacher, all at the same time. He would entertain our slightest of concerns and would make sure of finding a solution for it. The stay was not easy due to high altitude, but measures taken by him did not make us feel uncomfortable at any moment. He was always present was anything to everything. Moreover, as an icing on the cake, the group I went with composed of amazing, caring, hilarious, light hearted, strong minded and interesting people. Mesmerizing Ladakh was a truly mesmerizing experience for me. I wish to thank Xploring Light, Jassi and all the participants for making it an experience of a lifetime. Hoping to join in for another tour soon. Loads of love and good wishes… Khushboo Bhatia

Soham Modak (Mumbai) – Mesmerising Ladakh, June 2014


Soham-1 Testimonials

I have been trying to travel to Leh – Ladakh since last 3 – 4 years but all efforts had been in vain. This year tho i decided to travel no matter what & started searching for decent itineraries but couldn’t find anything that caught my eye in particular. Xploring Light with their Mesmerising Ladakh Photo Tour came to my rescue when all else failed with their unique & dedicated tour plan focusing on Photography & thats what set them aside from everyone else. Jassi Sir was patient enough to answer all my queries however silly they might have been at the earliest & without any reservations & i finally signed up for the tour still with a little hesitation as i had never travelled with completely unknown people but again Jassi Sir came to my rescue & made me feel very comfortable the moment i met him at the bus stop to leave for Manali & form then ahead the journey was a cruise in every sense. All my fellow tour members were from different walks of life & they all had different views in terms of photography & thats what helped me on a personal level to understand & learn soo many things which had never crossed my mind & to add to that Jassi was always there with us to help us out in every way possible & he kept on guiding us regarding all most every single aspect how much ever relevant or irrelevant at that time. At no point did Jassi make us feel that he was just there because it was his job as he was present there 100% because he wanted to be there… The arrangements like stay, food, places we visited all were taken care soo perfectly by Jassi which was amazing despite the fact that we coincidently visited Leh during Kalchakra 2014 which did surely pose a challenge. I have personally seen a change in my photographs & they have become better & better with almost each passing day which couldn’t have been possible without Jassi Sir’s help, review & guidance. The “cherry on top” was that the entire group gelled soo well which raised the fun factor in everything for from ROFL moments at all meal tables weather in hotels/tents or even roadside eateries, drinking weird named juices at restaurants, cracking jokes & even teasing each others with lolly-pop’s… I met these people as fellow tour mates but left as friends waiting to meet up again. Ladakh is in every sense Mesmerising beyond compare & doubt, but what made the entire trip epic for me was that i choose Xploring Light to experience this journey with & it was fulfilling in every sense to make me wanna go back there over & over again only with Jassi & Xploring Light. I met Jassi as a mentor, guide at the start but left with him as a new friend with nothing more that a new found love & respect for him & his dedication to what he loves most, photography. Thank You Jassi & Xploring Light for this wonderful experience, cant wait for another one soon.

Binit Patel (Ahmedabad) – Mesmersing Ladakh, June 2014


Binit-2-1 Testimonials

What to say where to start its pretty much confusing but lets begin anyways I traveled with Jassi Oberai on The Mesmerizing Ladakh photo tour in June 2014 it was unforgettable trip in best of the manner before going on trip I always thought that accommodations will be pretty basic Leh onwards but Jassi provided us with best possible accommodations at all places we stayed, apart from stays Jassi also looked after the health aspects of the whole group which was quite critical part for all of us on trip as most of us weren’t used to the high altitudes and extreme changes in temperatures and lastly the most importantly it was truly a great photo tour with the Xploring Light I didn’t feel like a tourist who is just shooting at particular spots but felt like a traveler who explored the places as I wished for as we were allowed to stop cars and shoot as frequently as we want rather than just going from point A to B with fixed time. Jassi as tour mentor was easily approachable for guidance anytime during the trip and in evening we had lectures regarding different camera settings and lighting conditions etc. which helped my photography in many ways. in short had best of the time as an explorer and photographer I will surely be traveling with Xploring Light again.

Rhucha Kulkarni (Mumbai) – Mesmerising Ladakh, June 2014


Rhucha-1 Testimonials

Offbeat places, laugh-riots and fun riots, photography techniques, new people, common Passions .. what more can be said about a trip that has turned out to be a trip of a lifetime for us ! “Mesmerizing Ladakh” was truly one of its kind ..words may not do justice to the breath-taking experience we had ! What really caught my attention is the truly offbeat itinery which was designed so as to include least trodden places – ranging from near the frontiers of PoK ( Turtuk ) to that of Tibet (Maan, Pangong). I had been planning for a Ladakh trip since quite sometime and the double benefit of this unique itinery along with the idea of learning from a like-minded group urged me to take this up…Learning techniques and tips from Jassi and others in the group was very useful … What really helped is the frequent halts at scenic locations to suit our photography tastes & for someone like me – trying out new styles such as slow shutter, start trails, time lapse etc.. Jassi personally ensured the arrangements were the best possible especially looking at the remoteness of some locations. His support and care helped us acclimatize well and ensured we were fit and going throughout the trip. He personally pays a lot of attention to minute details of the journey ensuring everyone got to know each other and had a blast – courtesy his JD (Jassi’s dawai) and laugh riots. All in all it was an unforgettable trip where we lost track of time in the midst of breathtaking beauty.. and now are suffering from “Mesmerizing Ladakh” withdrawal symptoms which can be cured only by a similar trip !! I would definitely love to grab the next opportunity that comes my way … Thanks a lot Xploring Light for a once in a lifetime experience !

Manoj Finava, Rajkot



Manoj-1 Testimonials

Wonderful. The mentor and other colleagues were very experienced and cooperative and ready to teach where we went wrong. In short, very nice.

Arvind Lodha, Chennai



Arvind-1 Testimonials

It was my first ever tour and I had a great learning experience of all aspects of people photography.

Sunayana Khot (Singapore) on Nomadic Ladakh – a photography expedition to Ladakh


Glad toSunayana-Khot Testimonials be part of this tour where mentors helped participants to understand the technicalities of photography at personal level. Will eagerly wait of future tours with Xploring Light and Canon.

Yash Dalvi (Mumbai) on Nomadic Ladakh – a photography expedition to Ladakh


Yash-Dalwi Testimonials

Amazing experience at Nomadic Ladakh photo tour in terms of help, interaction and opportunities. It was great to see the comfort of the group and give & take between participants.

Madhav Swar (Goa) on Nomadic Ladakh  – a photography expedition to Ladakh


Madhav-Swar-1 Testimonials

The photo tour (Nomadic Ladakh) has helped me greatly in understanding technical aspects of photography and has also helped me in improving my skills. Will look forward to more such tours from Xploring Light and Canon.

John Pinheiro (Goa) on Nomadic Ladakh – a photography expedition to Ladakh


John Testimonials

Nomadic Ladakh tour was much better than my expectations. Planned well. enjoyed every bit of it. Worth the money spent.

Nandish Mehta (Mumbai) on Nomadic Ladakh – a photography expedition to Ladakh


Nandish-Mehta Testimonials

Learnt a lot of technicalities pertaining to composition, exposure, light etc. in this tour. I liked the connect of host with all the participants and personal touch given by them.

Raj Dave (Mumbai) on Nomadic Ladakh – a photography expedition to Ladakh


Raj-Dave Testimonials

The Nomadic Ladakh photo tour has helped me greatly in understanding the technical aspects of photography and has also helped me in improving my skills. We look forward to more such tours from Canon and Xploring Light.

Amey Kulkarni (Mumbai) – Mesmerising Ladakh, June 2014


Amey-Kulkarni-1 Testimonials

The ‘Mesmerizing Ladakh’ photo tour organized by Xploring Light was truly mesmerizing in all senses. The Xploring Light team, especially Jassi ensured that this would become the journey of a lifetime for us. Even before the start of the tour the emails articulating the minutest of details prepared us for this wonderful trip. In the entire duration of the trip Jassi took great care of us, be it giving us medicines to combat AMS, providing us with water or instructing us on the dos and don’ts. The accommodation arrangements in all the locations (however remote they might be) were first-class. Jassi personally ensured that we are comfortable in these places. The wonderful part of the trip was its unique itinerary, taking us to places which are beyond words. The daily schedule provided us ample opportunities to capture the beauty of the ‘Land of High Passes’through our lenses. With Jassi’s expert guidance, there was a lot that we learned and have carried back with us. What truly made this trip memorable were the fellow participants. We were all a big happy, laughing family cracking jokes and learning from each other. I would like to thank Xploring Light and Jassi for organizing this trip and making sure we take back countless memories of it with us. This is a start of many more such tours to come for me with Xploring Light.

Dr. Vimal Hemani (Rajkot) – Mesmerising Ladakh (June 2015)


Vimal Testimonials

Ladakh Photography Tour for 16 days? As a practicing surgeon, obviously I can’t spare so many days from my practice. And will it be worth it? This was my apprehension towards going out for photography but my friend Binit Patel made my choice easier. He insisted i go to the Mesmerizing Ladakh Photo Tour with Xploring Light, i.e. Jassi Obaroi. Apprehension continued till the time I met my fellow colleagues Satya and Ashwini on Delhi Airport and it ended when we met Jassi in Srinagar. Such a charming, humble, witty, down to earth personality Jassi is… It’s very hard to find such qualities in great people from any field. As far as the tour goes, it exceeded the expectations set by my friend. The tour was planned meticulously. Accommodations everywhere were at the best possible locations and Jassi always made sure that we had the best food and looked after us throughout. He made sure that no one fell sick and if someone did, he was always there to take care of him or her. As a photography mentor, he is very simple, approachable and ready to guide us in getting the best possible shots. He would let all the cars stop, locate the compositions, teach and discuss until everyone of us was satisfied and had the best possible shots. And like a great teacher, he gave us a lot of tasks to frame good compositions at any given places. He would check everyone’s pictures and would discuss on the spot. Evenings were dedicated for discussions and reviews. He reviewed everyone’s best pictures and discussed ways to edit them to enhance their effect. If I were to use a cooking analogy – he’s the master chef mentor who not only gave us the RAW material to cook a good dish, he also taught how to mix all the ingredients and how much to use technology and technical knowledge. By that I mean, he also gave a crash course of Photoshop and Lightroom to make the dish look great and perfectly garnished. Fellow photographer colleagues too made sure to complement Jassi. The bonhomie among the group ensured we took care of each other, clicked, discussed, laughed, shopped, ate and enjoyed the tour thoroughly. And by the end of the tour, every stranger from different parts of India became a close knit family. To summarise, I would request everyone, who reads this testimonial, that if you are passionate about photography, if you are keen on learning photography, if you love to explore places where usually people don’t go, go with Jassi Obaroi (Xploring Light). You won’t get anything but the best. And of course… I wish they had given more stars to rate. 5 stars are just not enough for Jassi jee because “Jassi Jaisa Koi Nahin.”

Prakash Wadhwani (Muscat) – Mesmerising Ladakh (June 2015)


Prakash-1 Testimonials

Xploring Light & Jassi Oberai … A well known name that is highly respected in the Photographic Community !! There’s a reason for that … Read On … Ladakh … That word springs visions of prisitine, untouched almost virginal beauty. The scenic splendor of the soaring mountains and enchanting valleys, coupled with the vibrancy of its cultural life, makes Ladakh one of the least discovered destinations; an adventure to feed the soul and enrich the senses. When a friend of mine invited me to join the trip I wasn’t willing as I already had other plans in place. However on hearing the destination (Ladakh) I was tempted … Furthermore when I was informed it was being organized by Xploring Light (Jassi Oberai), that clinched the deal for me. I joined the trip with very high expectations & well … what can I say … each & every one of them were met … and then some more 🙂 Pre-Travel pointers of what to expect with cautionary advice as to the weather conditions, high-altitude care, attire & medical advise, misc things to carry, general caveats, etc. were all there explicitly listed. Any doubts brought up by us were immediately addressed by Jassi, virtually immediately online. Accommodations, Food, Travel Arrangements, Planning, etc. were all bang on. Right from Conception and Inception to Execution … everything went down like clockwork. Now down to technicalities … Jassi is an ocean of knowledge & left no stone unturned to share, tutor & guide all of us present on various aspects from composition & framing to exposure. How to view/assess the frame, what to look for in a frame that would make it eye-catching and an “approach plan” that would ensure a powerful image, were all addressed. On request he even took up a “post-processing” class starting right from the basics of ACR/Lightroom … to migrating the image into Photoshop for advanced processing. This 3-Hour session was crammed with almost 30 hours of goodies. Absolutely Incredible !! Jassi took great pains to ensure the adage … “The devil is in the details”. On this tour we all met, bonded & emerged into 1 “extended family”. “Everyone was there for Everyone”, be it trivial photographic queries, sharing knowledge, having laugh riots, caring for each other during emotional moments or health issues, etc. The blues of breaking away & each going their own separate ways still lingers on, leaving mixed feelings of “highs” of moments shared, tinged with the sadness of separation. On the bright side … we always have more trips to look forward to … with Xploring Light !! 🙂 Great Value for Money … Nourishing for the Soul …

Ashwini Kumar Gupta (Pune) – Mesmerising Ladakh (June 2015)


Ashwini-1 Testimonials

Let me begin by stating that I am a rank beginner in photography and was slightly sceptic while registering for this photo tour. But then I had always wanted to take up photography as a hobby and was also keen on visiting Ladakh. So, I took the plunge after a long period of reflection and am really glad now that I did so. Travelling along with photographers not only allowed me to explore my camera but also made me realize that there can be various different perspectives to look at things. I don’t think it would have been possible to learn so much from a manual, video or workshop. As far as the itinerary is concerned, it was really well planned to include all must-shoot spots. The facilities were as good as they could get at those particular places. Even when the weather played spoilsport with our plans, suitable alternative arrangements were made in no time. Talking about food, it would be easier to just mention that very often we considered rechristening this as a food trip instead. And in between meals, we had a never-ending supply of KFC (Khakhra, Fafda and Chivda). Jassi is a perfect mentor. He not only shared his compositions but also encouraged us to explore on our own. His sessions on exposure, composition and post-processing were like icing on the cake. Jassi even ensured that we all had a generous supply of acclimatization medicine. I am really looking forward to joining Xploring Light for more photo tours in the future and there would be no speck of hesitation in my mind the next time…

Supriya S. (Bangalore) – Mesmerising Ladakh (June 2015)


Supriya-1 Testimonials

Ladakh is like the trip of a lifetime for most people. As a photography novice, there was no better place for me to learn the basics than in Ladakh. The endless landscapes, skies that speak, the nicest people would all prove to be perfect photography subjects. And a place like Ladakh deserves people who can help you appreciate & showcase the beauty of this surreal, otherworldly location. Which is why I chose to go with XploringLight. The tour has helped me with the technicality of photography – exposure, aperture, light etc, – in the context of the people and places in Ladakh. The focus is not just on clicking pictures but also connecting with the locals & the places we visit. Travelling with photographers and Jassi has helped me challenge myself – to look around me with a new perspective, one that hopefully does justice to this magnificent place! The locations were thoughtfully chosen. Less touristy places like Turtuk, Dah and Tso Moriri were excellent additions to the itinerary. Jassi is a mentor par excellence. His objective, which he clarified right at the outset, was not to hide from us, but to share all he knows about photography with us. We had structured sessions on composition, exposure & photography equipment and countless impromptu sessions. He shared his compositions with us, provided immediate feedback when asked and constantly motivated us to “see” differently. Photography aside, he was always attentive to our requirements. He was always ready with medicines, food, rest stops to help us cope with the weather in Ladakh. While on the trip to Ladakh, I signed up with them for their Pushkar tour in November. Need I say any more?

Satya Narayan Panda (Gurgaon) – Mesmerising Ladakh (June 2015)


Satya-1 Testimonials

Ladakh, was always a dream destination and was there in my travel calendar since last so many years. I always wanted to go on a road trip to Ladakh from Srinagar to Manali via Leh. I had started photography as a hobby very recently (only 7-8 Months back) and for an amateur photographer there is no better place than Ladakh to learn photography basics. The scenic beauty of Ladakh has always attracted tourist from India and abroad, no wonder I was one of them. I have been associated with Jassi (Xploring Light) since past 6-7 months. I have attended couple of photography master class conducted by Canon and mentored by Jassi. Jassi is a tremendous mentor and most importantly he is a gem of a person. His objective is not to hide anything but to share as much as he can to others which you will hardly find these days. This is what attracted me in this organized group tour otherwise I was never a group tour fellow. I had always liked to travel solo or with my family or few friends. The itinerary of Xploring Light had always been different and none of the other group of tour organizers can be compared to it. The Turtuk , Dah Hanu and Aryan Valley (villages at Ladakh ) were the special attractions of this tour. It was a well-organized one and all the accommodations arranged by Jassi were the best and at strategic locations. He always made sure that we had the best possible food throughout the tour and made sure that no one fell sick on this tour. He provided us the “do and don’ts” of the tour and also provided medicines as and when necessary to mitigate high altitude sickness. I can’t even comment on Jassi’s photography skills and knowledge as it beyond my level .For me, he is best mentor I have come across this date. Again he is a gem of a person as mentioned earlier he is always open to any discussions related to photography. I just want to convey for all the PPl reading , “Anyone interested to explore Ladakh and passionate about photography “ – then you have only one choice Jassi “Xploring Light”. Go and click your best of the best images with Jassi which will always will remain close to your heart……

Moushumee K Jha (Gurgaon) – Mesmerising Ladakh (June 2015)


Moushumee-1 Testimonials

This was the first time i have ever attended a workshop. I mostly travel alone as it keeps me calm and I am able to focus better. But I gave in to the temptation to travel to the far land of the Lamas with the ‘Xploring Light’ this time, and I came back with a whole new experience. An itinerary packed with action from dusk to dawn, yet laughter, gossip, constructive discussions, reviews, ideas, and work found it’s way to our routine anyways. It was a great team, full of energy and positive attitude. Our Mentor Jasminder Oberoi, made us feel comfortable, and took great care of each one of us, so that we could concentrate only on learning during the entire trip. A great task master when photography is concerned, and at the same time he is one of us while cracking a joke and bursting into laughter every now and then.Thank you Jassi, I am grateful to you for an incredible trip, and to me this is just the beginning of many more such voyages together. You are a great mentor and a wonderful human being. And of course thank you my new extraordinary friends, You all have made this trip such a memorable one..

Dr. Poonam Singh (New Delhi) – Mesmerising Ladakh (June 2015)


Poonam-1 Testimonials

Miss the snowfall slicking the high passes and clouds so low
I close my eyes as if I am on a fatal edge
Miss the sound of screechy car brakes on those z hair pin bends across granular pointy mountain erosions
Miss the apparently tiny bikers on those hair pin bends their size mapping the magnitude of the mighty himalayas
Miss the lens’ desparate chase of golden light painting the fossil like architecture of leh
Miss the soupy thukpa,cheesy sabagleb of tibetan kitchen vacillating in the chill of warm sun and the warmth of cool wind
Miss the hilltop perched monasteries with colorful prayer flags & wheels with whitewashed sequence of stupas
Miss those endless drives in infinite ravines with so many shades of brown even nerolac needs a update on shade cards
Miss that first sight of a glint of turqoise pangong tso
when horizon only knew white and brown
Miss the aroma of dalchini green tea with palate burning y y noodles at top of mountain khardung la
Miss seeking intriguing portaitures in hidden village turtuk trekking in the mustard field lined water streams
shoulders just about balancing that heavy lens
Miss those dark nights with clear skies in valleys clutched amidst snowcapped ridges
eyes open sometimes to catch some breath sometimes just to admire the flowery print of tent
Miss the sand dunes of nubra with layers of mountain
trying in vain to capture all dimensions that eyes can possibly see
Miss my confused calls – koi exposure to bata do ,white balance cloud or shade and
those metered discussions in oxygen deprived brains.
Thanks all mates, united in photography that we are,will cross some paths again.

Special thanks to Xploring Light for such a wonderful trip although I don’t need to thank as for me Xploring Light is a family. Dreams do come true.

Haemanth B G (Muscat) – Mesmerising Ladakh (June 2015)


Hemanth-Murthy-1 Testimonials

It was my right choice to choose Xploring Light for Ladakh trip this time. I am very happy to be part of this wonderful group of people and excellent mentor Jassi. One thing I regret is that I failed to recognize the hidden knowledge and experience of our lovely Mentor ‘THE JASSI” and missed to grab his photography experiences. Mr. Jassi you are an excellent person to be with and we never felt we are away from our family.
Being with fellow photographers I could exchange the our experience. The bonding with people I was with made a new group of like minded Xploring Light.

I planned our holidays; as per this schedule to come from Muscat was a right decision. I would be very honored if I get an another opportunity to join Xploring Light for future expeditions.

Thank you very much Mr. Jassi for this wonderful experience.

Rakesh Nagavarapu (Bangalore) – Mesmerising Ladakh (June 2015)


Rakesh-1 Testimonials

I used to think organised tours are always boring and used to plan by myself. But my perception have completely changed after travelling with Xploring Light for Ladakh trip after a friends’ recommendation. Also, this is my first Photo tour and is a one wonderful experience. Taking off from work for 13 days and travelling is not easy and I can strongly say it one of the best decisions I have taken. It is totally worth it. Jassi, is an amazing man and he takes care of every minute thing and is a meticulous planner. Travel with him, am sure it will change the way you look at things and photography. Coming back from the trip, I was really happy to see the difference in how I have been taking photographs on the first day and the last day. The amount of knowledge he provides is phenomenal. One should be lucky to get a Guru like him. I am thankful for all the guidance he provided in the tour. Highly recommend Xploring Light and I won’t look back travelling with him again!!

Anukriti Mehrotra (New Delhi) – Mesmerising Ladakh (June 2015)


Ankuriti-1 Testimonials

Every traveler has a different story of Ladakh! Every traveler has a vision that is different from others, when he/she is in Ladakh. Ladakh, the most enchanting destination in India for world & Indian travelers was on my list for a long time. One keeps wondering what’s so different about this beautiful place and why it’s called the Pride of India! Well there are many stories to it, but what’s so different about this place is the amazing culture,people and the most diverse and the most beautiful landscape it has to offer.

Pictures and words, my only tools to capture the overwhelming physical and emotional experience of driving through one of the most awe-inspiring places on earth, Leh- Ladakh. The land of soaring Himalayan peaks and swirling, mighty rivers, serene Gompas and the occasional tinkle of a bell from a yak, Ladakh is a land which beckons you to visit again and again.

So when I got the opportunity to go there under the guidance of Jassi sir, I was very excited to explore the most untouched place in India. As a photography mentor, he is very simple and helpful. Whenever we were in some difficulties whether, about the composition , lights or any technical thing regarding photography, he was always there to guide us. He shared his views, experiences, compositions with us. He gave immediate feedback when asked and constantly motivated us.

During my trip, I was really interested in capturing the lifestyle and culture of ladakhi people rather than landscape. Living with them, observing their culture, and learning so much from them was a heartfelt experience. Their beautiful match-box like Ladakhi houses, with organic gardens, cosy rooms, hundreds of copper utensils, and the warm families living there, left a great impression on me.

The high altitude of Ladakh makes for an interesting transition. I was careful not to exert too much energy during the first few days. The first time that I noticed the effects of the high altitude, and so much of travelling, was when I sucked with back pain and it was killing me from inside, but I was strong enough from inside to recover that pain after seeing the children and people who live there in that hard conditions and even they work hard with smile on their face all the time.

The hotels and tents were very comfortable to stay, and were at the right places throughout the tour.

Our journey on-wards to Nubra Valley took us through Khardung La – the highest motor-able road in the world. When we reached the highest point of the Pass, I felt like I had reached the top of the world – it was a surreal feeling. There was a small cafeteria run by the Indian Military serving tea and coffee to travelers. Hats off to these soldiers! There were many other awe moment for me in the whole tour of Leh-Ladakh.

I think this applies to all the traveling I’ve done, but even more so to Ladakh – the memories that stay with me long after I have returned to the traffic and expensive multiplex tickets, are of the people I had met and a small slice of their life-philosophy, which has been shaped by their religion and their unique natural environment.

Rohith Patil (Bangalore) – Mesmerising Ladakh (June 2015)


Rohith-1 Testimonials

The Photography expedition to Ladakh with the Xploring Light, was my first ever Photography expedition, having started photography quite recently. Hence, I did not have know what a photography expedition would be like and what to expect. I must say that it was truly a wonderful experience. I had an opportunity to click along side senior & professional photographers. What I have learned in this expedition was a lot more than I learned from when I started photography. The tour was very well organized & executed. I think Jassi knows Ladakh at the back of his hand. With him we could take pictures of the best views, we had an opportunity to look at his pictures and understand how it was taken and learn from them. He would look at our pictures and advice us on how it can be improved. He is not only a good mentor but, also a great person to be with. We had a lot of fun during the tour and truly enjoyed his company. Even though there were close to 15 people in the group, he managed to connect with each & every one in the group. We were like one big happy family. Thank you Jassi, for giving me such great memories of my very first photography expedition. It is something I will cherish forever. Hope to be part of more such expeditions with you, in the future. Good luck….. !!!

Suvabrata Guhathakurta (Mumbai) – Mesmerising Ladakh (June 2015)


Suvabrata-1 Testimonials

This was an extraordinary experience for me to visit and shoot in a part of my country I have not seen before with such amazing topography and in company of so many highly talented photographers and genuine human beings.

This was my second trip with Xploring Light and I must say that I was overwhelmed all over again. Each location we visited was meticulously chosen to cater to the focused style of photography. Our stay and travel was immaculately planned and the best available facilities were offered to us. The way they reacted to sudden weather changes and emergencies that arose with deft skill was really outstanding.

Jassi has always been forthright in sharing his art and a trip with him is a treasure trove of learning about different photographic skills, different equipment and just tricks of the trade.

it was sheer pleasure to be on this trip and look forward to many more…

Abhishek Dhakate (Nagpur) – Mesmerising Ladakh (June 2015)


Abhishek-2-1 Testimonials

Ladakh is indeed a dream Destination for everyone, but it is said for photographers it is a place of pilgrimage. Finally this year I decided to go for ‘Pilgrimage’…! When it comes to Photography education, I have always chosen Xploring Light. It was two years ago that I met Jassi when I was attending his workshop,’After the Shot’ organised in Nagpur. Jassi has been a mentor and a guide for me since then.

Ladakh is very different other hill stations. The weather is tricky. High altitudes takes a toll on the body if proper care and preventive measures are not taken. Apart from this, shooting in this terrain is altogether a very different task. Composing images in Ladakh is difficult. The light changes there every second. And how can one forget the freezing cold. Places like Pangong lake, Khardung La and even Leh are too cold, specially for a guy like me who is used to heat of Nagpur where we have 47 degrees.
However, on the very first day we all were provided with some special meds that helped us to acclimatize. Not only these but whenever we were supposed to travel to higher altitudes different medicines were given.
Jassi had been guiding us right from day one of the tour. Before we left for shooting at any place, Jassi not only briefed us about the specific spots from where we could shoot but also showed some of the images that he had taken. This not only helped us to pre visualise but it also gave us an idea about the compositions that could be made.

Whenever I clicked he was always there constantly mentoring about the small and minute mistakes that I made, this gave me an opportunity to rectify immediately. This tour taught me how to compose an image in a better way. I also learned some new techniques which I din’t know about before. With every single shot that I clicked, I learned something new. Jassi has taught us to see things from a different perspective. I personally love shooting portraits. Turtuk and Da Hanu Village gave us the best opportunity to click people. Jassi explained every small details about portraits. In the whole tour he was there for all of us. We had photographers who were at different stages of learning. He made sure to answer all our doubts and brought out the best out of us.!

This tour has indeed been the most memorable one I have ever been to. It is the hard work of Jassi Sir and his team who work tirelessly to make it happen. I am grateful and indeed blessed to have Jassi Sir as my Mentor. . . No words can express my love and gratitude for Him. I wish him all the very best for the future and I know ‘we’ will be the BEST Brand in Photography Tours and Education.

Yogesh Gupta (Faridabad) – Ladakh in Winters (Jan 2016)


Yogesh-1 Testimonials

Photography is not in my genes. No one in any generation of my family knows about photography. I love to travel and click pictures as all the tourists do. It was Nov. 2013 when I first travelled to Leh with my staff. In that tour I borrowed a DSLR from my friend and clicked photos in Auto mode as he had suggested. When I came back and saw the photos, I was fascinated by the place. I wished to come to Leh again. That tour generated some interest in photography and I bought by first DSLR which was Canon 1200D with kit lens.
I read and watched some videos to learn photography. I also attended a couple of beginner workshops to learn the art. I don’t know when did I start taking this hobby seriosly and purchased Canon 7D with some lenses. Now I tour very often only for photography.
Once I attended a PW with Xploring Light to Lotus Temple. It was an awesome and unique experience. From that day I wanted to join Jassi Sir for workshops and photo tours but personal commitments did not allow that. When I saw his tour “Ladakh in Winters”, I decided to attend this. On 16th Jan, my wishes came true. I was in Leh and also a part of Jassi sir’s photo tour.
This tour is not all about photography, learning sessions and other technical debates but is also about meeting some beautiful souls. Its about exploring Leh like never before. This tour groomed me to be a good person and may be even a good photographer. The way Jassi sir conducted the post sessions was very fruitful and I personally learnt many things about photography.
Many many thanks Jasi sir for this awesome experience. Hope to make you proud with my photography some day. Will never forget this tour and all the great people. Long live Xploring Light. #PassionYourLife

Jeremy Turner (Rome, Italy) – Ladakh in Winters (Jan 2016)


Jeremy-1 Testimonials

I returned to Italy yesterday from Jassi’s photo tour to Ladakh. In short, this trip provided memories for a life time: a small group of enthusiasts quickly bonding through a shared desire to be better clickers; trips to rivers, monasteries and lakes in freezing weather, crossing the highest and the third highest road passes in the world; an unscheduled tea party hosted by the tough soldiers of the Indian Army on the freezing ChangLa pass (at -38 degrees C), lots of laughter and much much more!!

Jassi was our mentor: a calm and motivated professional who could provide answers to the most challenging of questions and yet still have the time and patience to answer the simplest question about the technical or artistic elements of photography, all supported by his obvious passion for the subject. Logistics were well handled and Harish provided full support wherever needed. My main comment might be to suggest that the trip could benefit from being 2 or 3 days longer; the schedule was packed full and additional time for relaxing, for reflection and perhaps for sharing and critically reviewing each others efforts under Jassi’s eye would have been valuable. I’d also suggest the day trip to Pangong Tso could be optional – 10 hours driving was pretty tough for some of us. But all in all, my conclusion: this trip was a once in a lifetime experience. Put it on your bucket list. Thanks to Jassi and all the members of the group!!

Dr. Nafisa Shakir Batta (New Delhi) – Ladakh in Winters Jan 2016


Nafisa-1 Testimonials

I would like to express my gratitude for the tremendously impactful winter photo tour of Leh 17-21st Jan 2016. I’m an absolute novice, this is my first photo tour, first trip to Leh, and first exposure to -38C !. Although the tour itinerary was heavily scheduled, we moved seamlessly through the well-chosen locales, enjoyed the company of our group, shared travel stories and life’s philosophies, while Jassi with his upbeat demeanor and sincere patience allowed the day to end only after all questions were answered, and all queries discussed. Harish Bhargava from letsleh.com cheerfully managed the travel and arrangements.It may seem a bit cliche or formulaic, but I truly believe that these days had a deep and lasting educational value, I came back with a sense of accomplishment ( for braving out the cold with my kind of madcaps) and feel far more confident ,ready to explore and invest in my photography skills.

Lee Joshua (Singapore) – Ladakh in Winters Jan 2016


Lee-Joshua-1 Testimonials

Ladakh was beautiful and deciding on a tour for it was immediate the moment I saw Jassi’s photo tour.One of the best birthday present I’ve given myself so far. breath taking views and well… literally at the top of the world. amazing logistic and well planned accommodation. Jassi was passionate about his work and he’s a very genuine mentor who shares what he knows. he would be honest about things he do not know and would make an effort to find out and share with you. he would share as much as he could so as long as you’re able to learn. he knows the place well and that’s the best part about it. you don’t have to stumble across to find spots to take beautiful images. learnt a lot from him and definitely looking forward to more tours with Jassi if ever there’s another chance for it. p/s: gear up appropriately for winter in ladakh as there’s was one spot where it was -38c. keep warm and click well.

Punkaj Gupta (Bangalore) – Ladakh in Winters (Jan 2016)


Punkaj-1 Testimonials

I had the opportunity to attend the Ladakh in Winters tour in Jan’16. I planned this trip, much against the liking of my family and friends due to the extreme weather conditions during the winter months, as “Ladakh in Winters” was on my bucket list. If I could turn back the clock, I would still choose to go ahead with it despite scares of temperatures averaging -35 degrees Celsius and extremely low oxygen levels at such high altitudes. But I am also not sure if the tour would have been equally enjoyable and productive if not for Jassi. Jassi treated the group more like a family by taking such good care of us and trying to make sure we get more than what we came for as much as possible. Taking care of each of our individual preferences and health was always on top of his mind. I have been to several other photography tours where the mentor is “just doing his job”, but the personal touch and the huge experience which Jassi has, is unmatched.


Ravinder Gang (Gurgaon) – Rang Leela March 2016


Ravinder-Dang Testimonials

“When you travel with Jassi Oberoi and Sanjay Nanda, you can be sure that they have worked out  the trip to the last detail. The logistics are well planned the facilities are good and they know their stuff when it comes to photography.  The icing on the cake is the group you travel with.  They are likely to surprise you with passion and talent for photography and you come back making many new friends and learning a lot from the way they shot the pictures of the same situations, you were looking at. I am looking forward to travelling with them in the future as I pursue my passion for photography”

Hamni Juni (Malaysia) – Rang Leela March 2016


Hamni-juni Testimonials

I joined the “Rang Leela” phototour in March 2016. It was an organized photo trip to Barsana and Nandgaon, two villages of great cultural and historical significance. In those locations, every year the unique Lath Mar Holi ceremony is celebrated. The tour is organized as a joint venture of Xploring Light & Indipix. This event in general and their service in particular are extremely popular, but they manage to meet the demand by dividing a huge group of 45 into 7-8 smaller subgroups, where each group gets a guidance from a separate leader. Every participant, either a professional photographer, an experienced amateur or a beginner with a 100$ pocket camera, will be able to benefit from those trips. I hope to be lucky enough to return next year.

Dr. Vimal Hemani (Rajkot) – Rang Leela March 2016


Vimal Testimonials

It was my 3rd trip in last 9 months with Jassi and Xploring Light. This time it was Barsana, Nandgaon and Vrindavan during the festivals of Holi. I was like a newborn kid in photography before I started attending photography tours with Jassi. Now, I feel like I learned something in the world of photography with him. It took me years to find my visual voice, my style and get comfortable in my clicks. I can say for certain Jassi is the one who can show you how to grow in a new place. During the workshop time, he was a total open book, nothing was off limits and he really wanted to maximize our time to address whatever was most important to us. My dear friends, if you are an amateur like me or a professional photographer, join Jassi and Xploring Light and you will realise what all new you learnt in their photo-tours and workshops. I would like to thank our mentors Sanjay Nanda jee (Indipix), Pooja Rajput, Kabeer Lal and all the participants. I would specially like to thank Gabru group leader Dr Rajneesh Panwar and all the group members for making this trip a memorable one.

Kajan Madrasmail (Singapore) – Rang Lela March 2016


Kajan Testimonials

Photographing the colourful “Holi” festival was my dream and I happened to witness through Xploring Light. I didn’t expect and imagine the happiness and festive mood as it was celebrated in Barsana, Nandgaon and Vrindavan. “Raadhe Raadhe……!!”, “Raadha Raani ki Jai…….!!”, still it sounds to my ears.
When I had planned to join for “Holi”, I got to know about Xploring Light through my photography friend who is living in Bangkok and that’s how I started communicating with Jassi about the trip. I would like to thank him from bottom of my heart for his prompt and detailed communication as and when needed.
Then, I got introduced to Sanjay from IndiPix Images. His pre-tour presentation was simply awesome. His Tips and Plans based on the previous experience were really helpful and I learnt small lessons by skipping some tips as well 🙂
Everything was well executed. I would really recommend anyone from worldwide to join with these friendly guys to witness the colourful celebration. I am looking forward to join in the future as well. Cheers!

Abhishek Dhakate (Nagpur) – Rang Leela March 2016


Abhishek-dhakate Testimonials

And yet another great learning experience for me with Xploring Light and Jassi Oberai.! From almost a year I wanted to go for Rang Leela and finally this year it was possible. This is one of the most intense tours that I had heard of. And yes it indeed is. The shooting atmosphere on this particular tour is completely different from the rest. Body and the mind is put to a test in this. I have been shooting mostly in controlled atmosphere till now. But here you barely have any control over the things that are happening around you. And there is so much of action happening everywhere around you. So to isolate a subject and click it with all this happening around you is indeed a tough job. At times there is so much of colour and water being poured from everywhere that you cant even look in the view finder. As I returned from the tour I learnt to shoot better in controlled atmospheres. This tour was just a great learning experience for me and it brought me out of my ‘Black and White’ nutshell. Thanks to Jassi for planning and executing it so perfectly. 3 days of fun with learning, well that what being a Light Chaser is all about.! 🙂 We learn and have fun too..! Cheers…

Sonali Devnani (Hong Kong) – Rang Leela March 2016


Sonali-Devnani Testimonials

An experience of a lifetime!
The Rang Leela tour convinced me long before the dates to the tour were even announced ..Even a back to back travel schedule didn’t dampen my plans  from attending the most intensive tour Xploring Light have to offer …  early mornings to 12 hours dedicated to the camera .Long bus rides filled with laughs conversations and sharing stories about one another . It wasn’t only a tour that taught us the history and the rich culture of why the festival of colours is celebrated in such a grand manner but a great gastronomical one as well … Kullad teas, piping hot kachoris and lot more .. After having learnt there were 45 of us I was a bit apprehensive on how we would be able to coordinate ourselves amongst the Thousands of pilgrims that came to the village ,  I have to say the tour was so well organised by both Sanjay ji and Jassi and well led by our team leaders that there wasn’t a day that I didn’t get back to my hotel room full of praises for all the hard work that they put in just for the participants to be comfortable. Strangers became friends within hours . chit chats and gossip sessions with the infamous Gabru gang . A special thanks to our team leader Rajneesh for helping us stay united as a group .. The finest of details were paid attention to and a long and informative brief only helped to get us accustomed to the new surroundings .This was my second tour with Xploring Light and the first one presented me with great photos , loads of knowledge friends that have now become a part of my daily life and moments that still make me chuckle when I think about them … I would definitely go back on the tours that I’ve previously attended with newer challenges and goes without saying that the places I haven’t explored are already on the travel itinerary for the year ..
Last but not the least the personable approach that Jassi ji leads the tour with is commendable . Thank you for having us to be a part of these memorable trips and look forward to making many more of such memories .

Satheesh Nair (Doha, Qatar) – Rang Leela March 2016


Satheesh-Nair-1 Testimonials

India is the heaven for photographers with its richness in culture and colours and Holi is the congregation of these colours and culture at one place, Vrindavan. It was my dream to shoot Holi at Vrindavan as is the dream of most of the photographers around the globe. It was not easy to plan a lone trip to Vrindavan as we do to any other places. A lot of things to be taken care of; personal protection in the crowd, camera protection, places to visit, events to attend.. a lot..

One of my friends told me about Xploring Light and introduced me to Jassi Oberoi  via Facebook. From there on, I was amazed by the wonderful support from Jassi and the professionalism in all dealings. The online pre-tour briefing by Sanjay Nanda was exceptional. It was crisp and clear leaving no confusion in the minds of participants.

The ‘Rang Leela’ group was of about 45 people. Definitely 45 is a big number for photography trip. But the way they managed the group shows the real professionalism. The big group was divided to 6 small groups of 7 to 8 people, each subgroup headed by a professional mentor. Special thanks to Mr Kabir Lal, my mentor, for all the support and guidance and the good company of all the other friends in the group.

Overall, it was a great experience with a talented team of photographers including professional and amateurs.

Looking forward to be part of the future photo trips and workshops with Xploring Light. Decided to ‘Passion my Life’ 🙂

Wish you all success!

Belinda Bath (Hong Kong) – Rang Leela March 2016 


Belinda-1 Testimonials

I decided to take a leap of faith and make the journey to India to visit & photograph the Holi festival (a long held experience I have wanted to have).
I arrived in Delhi on my on my own and after a 3.30am start the next day met our wonderful group for the first time.
Lead by Jassi Oberai and Sanjay Nanda it was the start of 3 amazing but exhausting days.
I was in Group 3, lead by Kabeer Lal and 6 other wonderful photographers Avinash, Kajan, Satheesh, Sreerag, and Vinod.
All from different parts of the world but brought together by a shared love of photography.
So many great moments and experiences were had along the way, new friendships were made and just the joy of interacting with the children and people of Barsana, Nandgaon and Vrindavan made it even more special.
Thank you XploringLight for such a memorable experience. I still can’t roll my tongue when saying Radhe/Radhi, but I will practice!
It’s the people you meet and their stories that enrich your life.

Luba Fein (Tel Aviv, Israel)– Rang Leela March 2016 


Luba-Fein-1 Testimonials

I recently joined the Rang Leela Holi phototour organized by Xploring Light and Indipix, and it is a must do for any ethnic & geographic photography enthusiast. The tour, which lasted 3 days and has taken place in remote villages, was lead by Jassi and Sanjay, two experienced Indian photographers with broad and deep cultural knowledge. During those intensive three days, I got an opportunity to take several thousands of unique shots, which I had no chance to get otherwise due to this festival’s extreme conditions.
Besides the photography related advantages of this tour, it was also an enjoyable social event. Our tour leaders managed to quickly unite total strangers from completely different countries and turn us into friends who kept communicating on FB and sharing their art and photography secrets.
I highly recommend this tour and will definitely join their future phototrips.

Vinod Kumar M. (Dubai)– Rang Leela March 2016 


Vinod-Kumar Testimonials

I came with a double mind for Holi with little or no clue on what to expect more than colors… 
The first shock came to me when i sat in my plane all ready for take off… I forgot my camera charger with the extra battery that was kept for charging…. in an instant i saw myself sending a WhatsApp message to Jassi, whom I have never met before in my life… and was requesting him to get me a new one, even if I had to pay for this….. he said he will try his level best.. upon landing in Delhi i receive the WhatsApp message from him saying , he has organised one for for me.. and that I don’t have to pay for it just to return after usage… Thus my Holi trip started…. From there on there was no turning back.. new friends were made… few lessons were learned… found that India has many places which has to be developed more…. swam in the colors of Holi… and was able to take a solid shot of a girl… 
Ask me if i will go back for Holi… am double minded as it took me two days to take the colors out of my nostril… lol… But definitely if I am planning to go for any tour, the people I will be checking with will be Jassi and team.. Jassi , Sanjay, Kabeer, Pooja, Rajneesh… along with my Orange team… made me understand Photography has no boundaries… 
let the spirit of Photographers stay high.

Mihir Shah (Mumbai)– Rang Leela March 2016 


Mihir-shah-1 Testimonials

Radhe … Radhe…
Yes… It’s True I am still high on the Rang Leela Holi Celebrations I witnessed at Barsana, Nandgaon and surprisingly at Vrindavan as well.
It was probably my good fortune to decide to go ahead with the Rang Leela Holi Photography Tour with Xploring Light and Indipix. I had many options for the tour but proper details and opportunity to be with Jassi Sir, was what inclined me to joining the tour and I am really happy of my decision.
The hour long Skype briefing by Sanjayji and detailed email prepared us on what was to be expected.
Once in Delhi and on the way… it was really rock and roll… All arrangements were perfectly done. All instructions were perfect and clear. The Group leaders support added the strength. The Group was mix of experienced, ameature, professional and hobbyist from all across the world and this added some awesome insights..
I will strongly recommend all to visit at least visit once and yes… with Xploring Light…. !!!

Caleb Kenna (USA) – Rang Leela March 2016 


Caleb-Kenna Testimonials

Great Holi photo tour with Jassi and Sanjay! They really prepared us well in terms of protecting our cameras, ourselves and knowing what to expect in terms of conditions and photography. Lots of fun and highly recommended! Only comment would be to leave Delhi at end of the day before and stay in Vrindavan before first day and perhaps skip third day in Vrindavan. All in all a great trip!

Yamen Haddad (Dubai) – Rang Leela March 2016 


Yamen-Haddad Testimonials

Well, We’re back home and getting our clocks back adjusted to this side of the world. I wanted to take a minute and THANK YOU ALL FOR EVERYTHING!
Thank you Xploring Light so much for arranging an amazing trip, I have spoke wonders about my trip to everyone I have seen since I got back. Thumbs up Jassi, Sanjay and your team for the great work.
Special thanks to FSO for the great Holi trip, I would like to say thank you Lal Nallath for making our trip so wonderful, thanks for your efforts, everything was beautiful and spectacular. Looking forward for the next trip with you.

Tapan Sheth (Rajkot) – Rang Leela March 2016 


Tapen-Seth Testimonials

“FABULOUS” is the only word comes to my mind when I start to write review about this tour. I was always amazed by photos of Holi festival in this particular region, and got a chance to move on with Xploring Light & Indipix. I must thank Jassi ji & Sanjay sir for their arrangements.The best ever – whether it’s food, accommodation and guidance, just PERFECT. Their follow up, their team work and everything was in perfect place, during the tour also each and every participant and even team leaders were outstanding. I have learnt so many new things from them. Though I met them for the first time, but it was like we are knowing each other since long. How I forgot to mention our very own GABRU Gang. Rajneesh the perfect team leader ;). and all the members of Gabru ROCKS. I strongly recommend Xploring Light !! Looking forward for future tour as well !

Shilpi Choudhury (Rang Leela, March 2014)


Shilpi Testimonials

Had a blast. Thank you guys

Charu Chauhan (Rang Leela, March 2014)


Charu-Chuhan Testimonials

I enjoyed every bit of time that I spent there. One experience I will always cherish.. I loved the colors, fun, atmosphere, kachodis and the spirit of Holi. Luckily I went there and met such good team. I haven’t been able to come out of the feel of the place.

Vishal Gulati (Rang Leela, March 2014)


Vishal-1 Testimonials

Thank you Xploring Light!
Last week, I participated in your Photo Tour “Rang De” to Barsana and Nandgaon. It had been a mesmerising experience for me; I had never imagined that Holi could be so fun and exciting. It was a colourful treat to the eyes.
Thanks Mr. Jasminder Singh and Mr. Sanjay Nanda – the mentors of our photo journey for providing a wonderful guided tour of the villages; your vast experience and knowledge really mattered for this challenging trip. The walk along the colourful village with you and the team members is of immense learning experience and great fun!I must also thank you for the great stay that had been provided there; the hotel and the facilities were very comfortable.When I came back, I am enriched with wonderful memories to cherish and lovely friends – the best people in the industry.
My best wishes to Xploring Light for your exciting venture. Cheers!

Nitin Arjun (Rang Leela, March 2014)


Nitin-1 Testimonials

Thanks you so much for a super trip and a great experience. You planned everything meticulously and this trip couldn’t have been possible without your guidance. Look forward to more such trips.

Ravinder Dang (Rang Leela, March 2014)


Ravinder-1 Testimonials

Sanjay & Jassi: Sanjay Nanda is a regular at Nandgaon & Barsana. He knows the streets, the people the mithai shops et al. His appraoch is “if you miss a shot today, don’t worry you can always come back, this place is just 3 hours from Delhi’
I attended Sanjay’s photo course earlier this year and he is no-nonsense chap. A composition fanatic and not many pictures can run past him without he raising an eye brow about a misplaced element or a suggestion for another approach. Also, Sanjay leverages the camera technology better than other folks he does not romanticize the manual mode. “work on aperture priority, get the dynamic ISO setting in place & focus on composition” is his way of life.
Jassi, followed his dad into photography. He comes from the school of hard knocks and started his journey during the film & SLR days. He’s driven in his own silent ways, runs the Indian School of photography and is a hot- shot with the Canon folks in India. His work on Pushkar is often mentioned in various conversations I have been privy to. I had been to his photoshop course and he had done a pretty good job with it. Some of the stuff you are seeing in the attached album is thanks to his helping with learning post processing better. Jassi in my books is the ever smiling nice guy, wanted to help fellow folks, if he can.
Why all this eulogizing? It’s not difficult to figure out. I am back from one of the most exciting photo-tours I have ever done. And had it not been for these folks, I wouldn’t be there. So thank you Sanjay & Jassi.

Ankit Sharma (Rang Leela, March 2014)


Ankit-1 Testimonials

The BEST HOLI EVER! Thanks to Sanjay and Jasminder for organising it and an amazing group of photographers. It was great to meet you all. good company definitely made the trip more amazing.

Mukesh Singh (Raurkela)– Rang Leela 2015


Mukesh-Singh-1 Testimonials

It was really a wonderful experience with you, specially the mentors how they guide me its really really very good. Will love to join in your next photo tour

Bireswar Pati (Rajgangpur) – Rang Leela 2015


Bireswar-1 Testimonials

Wonderful experience. Was an opportunity for me to learn a lot from all of you guyz. Thanks everyone. Sanjay sir and Jasminder sir, thanks a lot. Will love to be a part of it once again coming year.

Julián Hernández (Hong Kong) – Rang Leela 2015


Julian-1 Testimonials

Once again, thank you for everything.
It was an amazing experience and I’m not only looking forward to repeat it, but also to recommend it to other friends as well.
See you around!

Shyamak Das (Gurgaon) – Rang Leela 2015


Shyamak-Das-1 Testimonials

It truly was a memorable experience and the loads of fun..Thank you and Jasminder Sir for taking such good care of all of us!! And the leads Rajneesh and Pooja, both of you were awesome..All of you “Rock”

Dr. Amitabh Kumar (New Delhi) – Rang Leela 2015


Amitabh-1 Testimonials

This was my first photography tour and i enjoyed it. I had heard about the mentors a lot and there pictures of Barsana and Nandgaon speaks them a lot. I learnt a lot from the tour starting from framing to catching the ongoing moments on the streets. Thanks Jasminder Oberoi, Sanjay Nanda and Rajneesh for the guidance. I am looking forward for more tours like this to take my photography to next level with Xploring Light.

Sreeranj Sridhar (Dubai) – Rang Leela 2015


Sreeranj-1 Testimonials

Me and 3 of our photography team mates from Dubai joined XploringLight on their Braj Bhoomi Holi festival event photography event from 27,28 Feb, 1 March. We were very happy with the arrangements made in terms of accommodation, food and our transportation. The pre-tour updates by the organizers was very informative and to take appropriate preparation for our trip in terms of gear protection, clothing and belongings. We had a wonderful time and thankful to Jassi Oberai for his prompt response to our constant nagging with doubts on this tour. Being a photographer, you need to have guidance on the location, vantage point to get the best shots you can anticipate and dream of. So in this aspect, previous knowledge and experience from the organizers was a good help for us. I would recommend my friends to participate in their future programs and I too would be joining them soon. Wish Xploring Light team all the very best..


Sanjay Singh(New Delhi) – Portrait Photography Masterclass April 2016 


Sanjay-Singh Testimonials

It was indeed an honour for me and a great learning experience to know the nuances of portrait photography during your masterclass!
Looking forward to continued engagement with LCA and clicking some good portraits myself during this journey!
I would also be very eager to join the photo journeys organised by you so that I get further opportunities to learn.
cleardot Testimonials

Rahul Chaudhary (New Delhi) – Portrait Photography Masterclass April 2016 


Rahul-Chaudhry Testimonials

I went for the Portrait Photography Master class conducted by Mr. Jassi Oberai with the hopes of learning something new about portraits and at the end of the workshop i was amazed to see that not only i learned about portraits but a lot of other aspects too. I got to know about the mistakes i’ve been making and i was lucky to share my pics with sir. I am glad i went for the workshop and got the opportunity to meet such a good Photographer, Mentor and a helpful person!

Mathew Joseph (New Delhi) – Portrait Photography Masterclass Feb 2016


Mathew-Joseph Testimonials

Attended the Portrait Photography Masterclass earlier this month, and I must say I am extremely impressed with pedagogy that went beyond just technical aspects. I am a novice when it comes to portraiture, but the session has instilled in me the confidence to go ahead and create portraits. The lively discussions, personal examples quoted, and the exhibits were truly intended to kickstart an interest in the genre, which it successfully did. Thanks Jassi for this wonderful initiation into this soulful art form.

Puneet Kaur (New Delhi) – Portrait Photography Masterclass April 2016


Puneet-Kaur-1 Testimonials

For an amateur who’s been practicing photography, portrait was one genre which I found intriguing as I’d never clicked people. It was always overwhelming looking at portraits clicked by photographers including Jassi Sirs’. How a face or people’s expression convey emotions and a connection made, I wondered. Having attended quite a few workshops conducted by sir earlier, I went ahead with the belief that this too would be another enriching experience. The workshop was very interesting and interactive. Sir is always open to discussions and wouldn’t hesitate to clarify endless doubts. I believe that for him satisfying the learning of every student is as important as it is for us or perhaps more. And it doesn’t end there. He’s happy to see when his students are progressing and continues to mentor us through a common group created for the students of Xploring Light Academy. All students from various walks of life get a platform to share their work and get valuable feedback. I’m fortunate that like many others I was mentored by him. I’am sure many others who’ll pursue a course or workshop here, will be equally happy and satisfied. Wishing sir and the entire team at Xploring Light & Future Forward, much success always.

Navin Thakur (New Delhi) – Portrait Photography Masterclass April 2016 


I thank my colleague Subrata Behera for introducing me to your mastery. The workshop on Portrait Photography in Delhi was an eye opener for me and a realisation of how little did I know about the Photography. Thanks for being patient with my constant nagging and explaining everything till I was satisfied. That masterclass has given me the confidence of taking next steps in the direction of becoming a true image maker. I couldn’t recommend your workshops more to anyone. Thanks a lot for sharing your expertise, insights and experience with us. I feel truly blessed after attending your Masterclass.

Subrata K Behera (Gurgaon) – Portrait Photography Masterclass April 2016


Subrata Testimonials

Benefited a lot from the “Portrait Photography Masterclass” and I am more confident now to take the challenge of portrait photography, especially the travel and environmental portraits. The aesthetic part of portrait photography was little known to me. The legal aspect the portrait photography was new to me. Thanks Jassi and team for this. Hope to join some future workshops as well.

Vimal Kumar (New Delhi) – Portrait Photography Masterclass (Delhi March 2016)


Vimal-Kumar Testimonials

Thanks a lot for arranging such a wonderful and inspiring class for photo enthusiast like me. It was indeed a pleasure and eye-opening workshop for me regarding Portrait. Your class changed my perception regarding most of the key elements in Portrait Photography and I wish to practice them again and again in future.
Earlier I used to take shots of people without creating a story, indulging in creating bokeh instead of expression or emotions in my photographs. The workshop was overall interactive and I learned a lot from you and many others. It always feels good when same interest people meet and discuss their passion on a healthy platform.
In future, I would further love to connect with you and many others to learn and explore many possibilities in this field.

Anurag Gupta (New Delhi) – Portrait Photography Masterclass (Delhi March 2016) 


Anurag-Gupta-1 Testimonials

Awesome insights explained in a very succinct and easy manner. You come out of the workshop definitely richer ! Eye-opener workshop. Got clarity on many points. Thank you… 🙂

Madhuri Roy (New Delhi) – Portrait Photography Masterclass (Delhi March 2016)


Madhuri-Roy-1 Testimonials

Eye-opener workshop. Got clarity on many points. A must-do workshop for Photography-Lovers. Now I am a regular student of Xploring Light Gurus.
Thank you for being there and guiding us.

Yogesh Gupta (Faridabad) – Post Processing Beyond Basics Workshop (New Delhi Feb 2016)


Yogesh-1 Testimonials

First of all I’m thankful to get Rajneesh as a mentor.
It was great pleasure again to be a part of Xploring Light Academy course.  You both are the master of photography art either behind the camera or in front of the monitor 🙂
First it looked very complicated to understand the beyond basic post processing, but the way Rajneesh took all the subjects and procedure was fantastic. People take months to understand these technicalities about post processing, but the way Rajneesh summed it up in 2 days is really commendable.
I whole heartedly recommend your academy to anyone who has a bit of interest in photography and serious about photography too.
It was again a very good learning experience with your academy.

Looking forward for another association with you in future.

Ashish Sinha (New Delhi) – Portrait Photography Masterclass (New Delhi Dec. 2015)


Ashish-sinha-1 Testimonials

As I started my first class with you and following you before that class. I really want to thank you for superb teaching and sharing skill. Learning never end and if you our mentor I always happy to learn from you. I try to come in your class but as my busy schedule I just saw your FB post and try to learn from there. Keep it up and as I’m instructor so I learn lots of skill from you. Thanks for nice workshop.

Rajoo Naik (After Go Goa – workshop on fashion photography)


Rajoo-Naik-1 Testimonials

Best Part about this workshop was “people”. From models to facilitator to participants to organisers and mentors – all were genuine people. Kudos to Xploring Light for making this workshop such a fun-filled chilled out learning experience.

Jasvinder Singh (after our Basics of Photography Workshop)


Jasvinder-singh Testimonials

It’s our pleasure to get assosiated with you for some photgraphy lessons. Ever since I have attended work shop conducted by Xploring Light at Canon Image Lounge for learning the basics for photography , the entire idea about using the camera, lenses and infact looking at subjects has totally changed. Your guiding skiil are too good for any body to understand techniqes and impliment them, your humble nature and professional attitude not only makes the classroom atmosphere friendly but your sharp interacting skills holds the attentions of every student in the entire session or workshop. We feel fortunate to have attended your workshop and also feel that for any photography enthusiast you could be the best mentor.

Bhartendu Mihir on the Hasselblad Workshop with Eolo Perfido


It was a very informative, interesting and well organised workshop. It certainly helped to get better insight into different photography techniques and understand the working of a professional photographer.Looking for more from Xploring Light and Hasselblad.

Vishal Gulati on the Hasselblad Workshop with Eolo Perfido


Vishal-1 Testimonials

To see the maestro “Eolo” and to listen directly up close was very specoal and I got extremely impressed with his vast knowledge about the subject in all aspects – his photography as well as the post production skills. Jassi is the best mentor and always inspiring. Thank you so much for being so humble and an inspirational figure. Would love to attend more workshops organised by Xploring Light and Hasselblad!

Dr. Shikhar Kaushal on the Hasselblad Workshop with Eolo Perfido


Shikhar-1 Testimonials

Handling a Hasselblad was a dream come true. Thanks for providing us the great opportunity. The use of LED lights was something even more interesting. And last but not the least Eolo, had not only great knowledge of & love for photography, he thoroughly enjoyed teaching and answering our questions. Freely sharing one’s hard earned knowledge shows one’s large heartedness and stature as a person. Thanks Xploring Light for another great learning experience.

Kapil R. Singh on After the Shot Workshop


I have been in various workshops and photo tours with Jassi and each interaction has been quite knowledge enhancing. Jassi is an ace photographer with in-depth knowledge of the various aspects of photography which is underpinned by his terrific training skills. The workshop conducted on post processing was of immense help – it had something in store for all the participants, be it people who are new to photography to professional photographers too. The content was highly relevant and interactive and kept the participants engaged for all 2 days. The session was not about theoretical fundamentals, but included hands on application for the techniques. I am sure that the session would have helped all the participants in enhancing their skills manifold. 5 Stars to Jassi and Xploring Light for a terrific workshop.

Neelu Bhatt, Bangalore


Neelu-1 Testimonials

More than I expected. Helps to be taken to the right spot, at the right time, with the right light. Impressed by the generosity and openness of the mentors in sharing “the secrets” – no holding back. Sincere, genuine effort to see the participants take back more.

Rajneesh Panwar, Participants India Kliks


Rajneesh-1 Testimonials

Thanks a lot India Kliks, Xploring Light, Canon India for conducting such a wonderful symposium.

I really thank all the great mentors who shared their wonderful knowledge and experience. Really learnt a lot

Vinay Swaroop Balla, Participants India Kliks


Vinay-Swaroop Testimonials

“WOW” That was 3 days of inspiring lectures, showcase of mind blowing works, fun with a photo walk, all these by world class mentors at one place is just a Jackpot for us. I Thank all the great mentors for their sincere sharing of knowledge, experiences and journeys for all these years. It was truly a blessing to meet u all at one place. My sincere Thanks to the most humble person i have met, Chairman India Kliks Mr Kirat Sodhi for initiating such a strong platform and for all his efforts in making this event a grand success. Not to forget, Mr Jassi Oberoi, Mr Pankaj Anand, Mr Saurabh Tuteja for their great contributions till the end. Secondly, I would like to Thank all the volunteers who really helped each one of the participant during the entire event. Lastly, I also would to Thank all the wonderful participants for their good friendship and time in sharing their inspiring journeys in Photography. Hope to stay connected with u all. I wish Team India Kliks a very very great future ahead. There is no other photography platform comparable to this.

Most importantly, I wish Canon India, Sponsor India Kliks 2013 a great success For the future and hope to see their uncompromising support for the photographers and events like India Kliks in the future. Those who missed this event, Trust me, You really missed it.

Ankit Sharma, Participants India Kliks


Ankit-1 Testimonials

3 exciting days of knowledge sharing sessions! The last day marked a befitting end to the great symposium organized by India Kliks in association with Canon and Adobe. Thanks for organizing such a wonderful event. Really appreciate all the hard work put in by Mr. Kirat Sodhi (Chairman, India Kliks), Jasminder Oberoi, Mr. Pankaj Anand and Mr. Saurabh Tand not to forget the volunteers without whose efforts this would not have been a success. It is indeed a wonderful platform and the learning experience in these last 3 days was great. The selection of mentors across different genres was brilliant and actually helped to make it more beneficial for the participants. Thanks to all the mentors for taking time out and for sharing their knowledge and experiences with us. And, also, thanks to the wonderful participants for sharing their works, stories and also, for having great interactive sessions. A very big thanks to Canon and Adobe for great workshops and for making such events possible with their continuous support. I would like to congratulate you all on the success of India Kliks 2013-24 and hope that many more events like this would follow. GOD Bless… Stay Blessed.

Abhishek Dhakate After the Shot – Nagpur


Abhishek-2-1 Testimonials

I wish they had some more stars to rate it…. Jokes apart, it was only a few months back one of my Photographer friend suggested me to attend a post processing workshop. Being an amateur I barely had any idea about photography and this friend of mine suggesting me to attend a workshop on post processing seemed like a joke to me. However I decided to go for it. I had been following Jasminder Oberoi (this is the first n last time I am writing the full name cause I fondly call him Jasssiiii Sir and yes he doesn’t mind) on Facebook. I had also been following his Page JAS Fotography on Fb too.. I was in love with his work. I was so excited to meet him that I went along to receive him on the Airport and there walked out a Sardarji with a Pagdi and just a handbag. Greeted us and we had a great convo during our travel. I was like is he really a photographer and really is this person going to take our Workshop. To be frank I have come across Photographers who click less and show more.. Workshop started and it was fun…. 2 days just passed by. That day was a day and today. My photography skills have not only improved but it has reached to a new level. People have started noticing my work and appreciating it too. I do Portfolios, landscapes and potraits. Even now Jassi sir is always there to guide. and the best part is he tells straight away if the Picture is good or bad. If it is good he will appreciate it and if it needs improvement he will help me out let that be any time of the day…. Blessed to have you as my mentor Jassi sir. A humble and down to earth person is what Jassi sir is. And for others sorry for writing it so long but like they say “Words cant describe Legends…” but still it was my humble effort to express my feelings for Jasminder Oberoi and his firm Xploring Light

Uday Patni The Art & Physics of Photography – Nagpur


Uday-Patni Testimonials

Amazing experience – Got acquainted to some really cool principles of photography after attending a single Workshop. My personal fav was taking ‘hyper focal distance’ chapter – it was amazing.

Jasleen Singh Virdi India Kliks


Jasleen-1 Testimonials

First of all, Special Thanks to Mr. Jasminder Oberai (Spearhead of “Xploring Light” and The man behind the great venture of sharing knowledge to all youngsters) for their pro-activeness and provided the valuable information about programs time to time whether its day early or late night a day. That was the 1st time, I got the opportunity to attend the Photography Symposium / Exhibition by IndiaKliks and met with very famous personalities ( Sudhir Shivaram, Jasminder Oberai, Anamitra Chakladar, Ashima Narain, Enjo Mathew, Neeta Shankar, Ravi Dhingra + Sanjay Nanda…) those are into the field of photography from decades. Learnt a lot in just three days of sessions . Additionally XploringLight + Canon + IndiaKliks + Expert Mentors + Participants: Discussions / Thoughts / Queries, helped me a lot. Wishing good luck to every buddy those are a part of those ventures. Special Thanks to IndiaKliks Core Team: Mr. Kirat Sodhi, Jasminder Oberai, Pankaj Anand, Saurabh Tuteja and all sponsors.

Gaurav Goyal


Gaurav-Goyal Testimonials

I have attended a lot of phototours and workshops with Jassi and team and those were some of the most fun days I have ever had. One absorbs a lot of knowledge and new techniques naturally without it ever feeling tedious. There are ample opportunities to observe, practice and just have fun overall and you come back and be surprised at the improvement in quality of pictures you yourself took over the tour.

Abhinav Gupta


abhinav Testimonials

I’ve attended 4 workshops conducted by Jasminder Oberoi on behalf of Xploring Light. I dont really have words to describe the extent of knowledge I gathered. Jasminder sir has always been my inspiration since from the time I started Photography. He is such a down to earth person and is always approachable for any kind of doubts. The teaching manner, the vigor with which the workshops are conducted is immense. I asked sir if he could conduct his workshops in Nagpur as his workshops in Delhi and Mumbai are not feasible for most of the people here, and after 2 workshops everyone has learnt so much that they want sir to conduct more of such amazing workshops. I would like to wish Xploring Light all the luck and hope it reaches to levels no other Photography firm has reached.

Jayashrita Debnath – Workshop at IIT, Kanpur


A very interesting and interactive workshop. Great tips given during the indoor as well as outdoor session. Nicely explained concepts through examples. Thanks for being there.

Praneet Vayalali – Workshop at IIT, Kanpur


Its was a nice learning experience. Learnt a lot of new stuff. Thank you for coming.

Ambar Pakhira – Workshop at IIT, Kanpur


I really enjoyed the your workshop yesterday at IIT Kanpur. Thanks for sharing your experience and tips. Hope I can follow those tips and become a better photographer.

Puneet Kaur (New Delhi) – India Kliks 2013


Puneet-Kaur-1 Testimonials

I came across this workshop & I am really happy to have grabbed the opportunity. As an amateur, I learnt a lot from each of the mentors. It was thrilling & left me awestruck hearing about the various aspects of photography & how life is seen through the lens. It was humbling meeting the mentors, who put us at much ease. I returned home each day more & more exuberant. I hope I get more such opportunities to learn. Wish my sincere wishes to the entire team of Xploring Light. Thank you.

Madhavi Jarmarwala (Ahmedabad) – Workshop on Travel Photography at PDPU, Ahmedabad


Madhavi-1 Testimonials

Attended the workshop at PDPU, Ahmedabad. and was really happy learning so many new things about Travel Photography. Thank you for making the session so interesting. Hoping to learn a lot from you and attend your future workshops.

Avinash Khemka (Bhubaneshwar) – Digital Post Processing Workshop Nov. 2014


Avinash-Kemka-1 Testimonials

The Digital Post Processing Workshop on 29-30 Nov 2014 in Bhubaneswar was an eye-opener and a great learning experience for me. It has given me in-depth knowledge of photography, image-formation, Adobe Bridge, Adobe Camera Raw and Adobe Photoshop. It has immensely helped me in adding value to my photographs. Thanks Jasminder Oberai.

Utpal Deb (New Delhi)– After the Shot Workshop March 2015


Utpal-1 Testimonials

I attended your workshop on photo editing using ACR and Photoshop on the 15 th Feb. Now that I am going through my notes and trying to apply what you taught to my own images, I realise what a lot of material you have managed to transfer in the time available to us. Yet we did not feel tired or bored during the presentation. I would like to offer you my congratulations on a great workshop and look forward to future association with you.

Rajeev Dass (New Delhi)– After the Shot Workshop March 2015


Rajeev-1 Testimonials

I attended a Photoshop CC workshop conducted by Jassi on 22 March 2015 at New Delhi. Without any doubt – Jassi gives it all. His sincerity and passion are amazing. He does not hesitate to share his knowledge and is spontaneous and reaches out in an genuine attempt to impart the right training. Very few in this profession who can match Jassi in his open hearted approach and his sincerity in making sure you learn. To perfect his workshop I however do strongly wish that Jassi would provide some course material which we could take back. Keep firing Jassi – my best wishes always !!!!

Shyamak Das (New Delhi) – After the Shot Workshop March 2015


Shyamak-Das-1 Testimonials

First of all my thanks to you Jassi Sir, for making the workshop engaging and your attention to each of us. I was at a stage where I was able to use few features of Photoshop, but never able to understand the true power of it. Perhaps was a bit awed by the vastness of Photoshop. But you made the beginning very simple. Your explanation of the workflow is simple and easy to understand. I am not practicing the steps of the workshop, but I would have loved to have an extra day of hands-on in the workshop. Thanks again for offering to answer any queries and helping in future. I truly appreciate your efforts!! Thanks Sir

Rahul Saharan on the Hasselblad Workshop with Eolo Perfido


Rahul-Saharan Testimonials

It was by far the best workshop I have ever attended. Incredible indeed. Every moment was special from morning till evening. Thanks to Xploring Light for organising such amazing workshop. I personally learnt a lot. thanks again for the efforts put in. Eolo was amazing. Looking forward to more such workshops.

Pooja Rajput (New Delhi)– Post Processing – Beyond Basics Workshop


Pooja-Rajput-1 Testimonials

The beyond basic workshop on photoshop–At the outset let me congratulate Xploring Light for bringing us a brilliantly well structured workshop under the guidance of Jasminder Oberoi. The workshop mentored by Rajneesh Panwar was one of its kind and was indeed a great learning experience,the interaction during the sessions was a great confidence booster and kept the learners alive.their was no holding back in terms of sharing knowledge and paying individual attention to each participant. kudos to the team.

Koshyk Koshy (Faridabad) – Post Processing – Beyond Basics Workshop


Koshy-1 Testimonials

I joined for the Post Processing Workshop, Beyond Basics with some trepidation. For one thing, I was not sure, at my age (Late Sixties) if I would fit in with the rest of the group. Secondly, I was a bit concerned about my own levels of skill and understanding of Photoshop, which I use minimally. Would the instructor be able to carry a novice like me along? Would I really need advanced skills and knowledge of Photoshop? I am glad to say, I had no issue either about my advanced age or my low levels of skills. Rajneesh Panwar is an awesome teacher. His own knowledge and skills of the various intricate operations of Photoshop cannot fail to impress even a hard-nosed cop like me. Add to it his immense patience and admirable communication skills and what more can you ask from a mentor? Jassi complemented and supplemented Rajneesh with admin support and timely interventions and hands on support. The subject was so vast, complicated and intricate one wishes the Workshop was longer. Once you return home and start working on what one learned during the two eventful days, you realize what you had missed all these years. Thank you Jassi and Rajneesh for this wonderful gift! Hope we get to work together again. All the best.

Vinay Sinha (New Delhi) – Post Processing – Beyond Basics Workshop


vinay Testimonials

Attended the two day post processing work shop – Beyond Basics of photoshop mentored by Jassi and Rajneesh. It was a wonderful experience and the quality of the mentoring was top notch and extremely high class. Rajneesh has an exceptional command over photoshop and he was more than willing to share it with the participants and then there was Jassi who would often come to the rescue of the amateurs like me and further explain it in his own simple and effective style. Loved it.

Vinayak Garg (New Delhi) – Post Processing Beyond Basics Workshop


Vinayak-Garag-1 Testimonials

I attended a 2 day workshop on editing photo using Photoshop. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is a serious photographer and would like to make photos more impactful. Jassi Sir has deep insights into photography and really understands the art. I was really happy that he kept emphasizing that photoshop is not an excuse to take bad photos, it is for you to make your good photos amazing! I am really happy that what we learnt was practically relevant, and I could straight away begin working on my own photographs. Sir provided us a step-by-step workflow which is really helpful. I am now able to make my photos look stronger, by just spending 5-10 minutes on them.

Priyanka Singhal (New Delhi) – The Art of Creating Black and White Workshop


Priyanka-1 Testimonials

I attended black and white post processing workshop beyond basics and the best I can say is I fell in love with this art. I feel how everything comes out with black and white that can never be told through the coloured version. Thanks to Rajneesh for making it an understandable and easy process plus helping me with some easy traits to deal with problems during an ongoing workflow. My vision has been changed since then and I feel so confident about my work now which I use to lack earlier whenever I see good piece of work from renowned photographers. The point was how they make even a black and white picture so communicative? And it was answered well here in workshop. Every little thing in a picture was considered and taken care off to be enhanced in the best possible way!

As a suggestion I just felt that duration should be for less hours and to be divided in two days as it will help everyone to understand and grasp more knowledge and to be able to adapt and remember for long.

Dr. Poonam Singh (New Delhi) – Post Processing Beyond Basics Workshop (Dec. 2015)


Poonam-1 Testimonials

I take extreme pleasure in extending my thanks for such an amazing workshop.It is very rare in this time and age to so benevolently share your knowledge which I could gather was achieved by an in depth and relentless hard work behind the scenes.I hope I have imbibed some of it to built upon this to pursue this interesting art form further. Time and again I could see my patience waning on my slow learning curve but Rajneesh never lost his cool in reiterating the same concept nth times till I understood it. Every time Jassi asks me to rate his tour/workshop I am reminded of a story that was quoted in my childhood about Dr Rajendra Prasad who was given 101 marks out of 100 with the remark “examinee is better than the examiner”.I don’t have the audacity to be an examiner but you are giving me the right to hold the pen then I can draw an analogy to say I would rate it 6 out of 5. Hope that suffices. Great going guys. Cheers!

Gurpreet Sehra (New Delhi) – Portrait Photography Workshop Jan 2016


Gurpreet-1 Testimonials

To begin with Jassi Sir being a Faculty for Photographers is a Great Person. He explains ones Query with the Language and terminology one can easily understand and can retain for ever. Looking forward for More Great Sessions in Future

Abhishek Dhakate (Nagpur) – Portrait Photography – The Art of Capturing Emotions (Jan 2016)


Abhishek-2 Testimonials

This was indeed a masterclass. The master himself sharing the insights on clicking portraiture was indeed amazing. I found my passion in clicking Portraits. I have been clicking portraits since a long time now. To be honest like most of us do, I also read a hundred articles by different photographers on clicking portraiture be it street or indoor portrait shoot. When I came for the masterclass somewhere I had in mind that more r less the same things will be shared in this one too.

Its Xploring Light and Jassi Oberai we are talking about. It might sound very dramatic but couldn’t find a more apt line to describe this,
Cheete Ki chaal, Baaz ki nazar aur Xploring Light ke Workshops par sandeh nahi karte. Kabhi bhi maat de sakti hain.”
Indeed “maat” (defeat) de hi di sabko…
As the masterclass started Jassi shared his experience of clicking portraiture. The tips that he shared were just something beyond what I had read or heard. What I always thought portraiture was, or rather what my ideas were of clicking portraiture was just crushed within minutes of the class. 
The points shared by Jassi in the masterclass were all new, they had come from an experience of years of practice and learning. To my good luck I had an assignment right from the very next day of the masterclass. I applied those simple tricks and the results were amazing. 
Once again thanks to Jassi Sir and Xploring Light for giving this wonderful opportunity to knowledge thirsty photographers like me to learn and grow.

Abhishek Dhakate (Nagpur) – Art of Creating Black and White (Jan 2016)


Abhishek-2 Testimonials

Writing a feedback for Xploring Light like I have been saying is a difficult task. Its been more than two years now that I have been associated with Xploring Light. I have seen myself grow as a Photographer and an artist in these two years. When I began Photographing I didn’t know where my interest was. Whether I wanted to do wildlife, or weddings etc. However I found my passion in clicking portraiture. In clicking those emotions that people have. Everyday people. Now I like clicking on the streets as well doing indoor shoots for my clients.
Like I said I found my interest as a portrait photographer, to be specific a Black and White Portrait Photographer. I have been always processing my portraits in Black and White. But I always felt that there was something lacking. Some how I was not satisfied with them even when my clients were satisfied and happy with it.
This workshop just totally changed the way I used to process my images in Black n White, not only portraits but also landscapes. As I came back I did a Portrait shoot and just followed the workflow which I learned in the workshop. Result, AMAZING. Finally I was satisfied. For the first time as an artist I felt that what I had seen was achieved. Had a real good sleep after that.
Thanks to Jassi and Rajneesh for this one…
If you are in Love with BnW, this is one of those workshops you cant afford to miss..

Yogesh Gupta (Faridabad) – After the Shot (Feb 2016)


Yogesh-1 Testimonials

It was my 2nd time association with Mr. Jassi Oberai, first a photo tour – Ladakh in Winters and now for basic post processing class. Both experiences were amazing with him. The way he illustrates is simply superb. His work flow for post processing is very simple to learn yet very effective in terms of results. He focuses on the core problems and has small but effective steps to resolve them.

It was a 2 days workshop and I can bet no one can cover that much in a full week class. The workshop is very productive in terms of learning. Now I can enhance my images with minimal steps.
I heartily recommend Mr. Jassi for any kind of photography course. He is the master of photography and never hesitate to share his knowledge to others.

Looking forward for future association with him.

Col. Sanjay Sinha (New Delhi) – After the Shot (Feb 2016)


Sanjay-Sinha Testimonials

Dear Mr. Jassi, It was indeed a great learning from you on photoshop basics. You have a God gifted knack of teaching by making the most complicated things look simple and easy. Keep up the good work. I look forward to attend more classes run by you. God bless.

Cdr(R) Rajesh Kumar Singh (Gurgaon) – After the Shot (Feb 2016)


Rajesh-Singh Testimonials

Frankly, one of the most productive courses I have ever attended. Small batch size of just 4 studends ensured that we had all the attention of Mr Jassi that we needed. More importantly, unlike in most courses, entire time, from 10AM to 5PM with a small break for working lunch was gainfully used.
The course is beautifully planned and structured. I have learnt processes in photoshop  that I don’t think I could have learnt from internet or from some less accomplished person. The icing on the cake came as  Mr Jassi’s offer to help even after the course is over.

In short, a full Paisa Vasool and more importantly, Time Vasool course. Strongly recommend to anyone who is keen to get his hands on Photoshop quickly without much pain